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Writes the work zero offset value specified by "datano_s", "datano_e", "type". The offset value must be stored in "data" array of "IODBZOR" with signed binary format.
Writes the offset value for all axes once by specifying 'ALL_AXES' in 'type'.

The unit of offset value is the same as "Read work zero offset value(cnc_rdzofs)". See the description of cnc_rdzofs function.

As for Series 16i/18i-W, the unit of offset value is as follows.

  • Series 16i/18i-W
  • 1004#1
    Linear axis
    mm input
    Linear axis
    inch input
    Rotation axis

    IS-A 0 1 0.01 0.001 0.01
    IS-B 0 0 0.001 0.0001 0.001
    IS-C 1 0 0.0001 0.00001 0.0001

MTConnect Fanuc Adapter

Universal Fanuc Driver

Fanuc Focas Library CD


#include "fwlib32.h" or "fwlib64.h"

FWLIBAPI short WINAPI cnc_wrzofsr(unsigned short FlibHndl, short length, IODBZOR *zofsr);


FlibHndl   [ in ]

Specify the library handle. See "Library handle" for details.

length   [ in ]

Specify the data block length(size of IODBZOR structure).
(8+4*(number of axes)*(number of offset))


1 axis all axes

n = Maximum controlled axes (* The data for current controlled axes are valid.)
K = Number of offset to be written

zofsr   [ in ]

Pointer to the IODBZOR structure including the work zero offset value. The IODBZOR structure is as follows.

typedef struct  iodbzor {
    short   datano_s;        /* start offset number  */
    short   type;            /* axis number          */
    short   datano_e;        /* end offset number    */
    long    data[MAX_AXIS*K];/* offset data value    */
} IODBZOR ;       /* MAX_AXIS : max. controlled axes */
                  /* K : number of offset  */
Specify the start work zero offset number.

  • Series 15/15i, 0i-D
  • 0 : External work zero offset value
    1,..,6 : Work zero offset value of G54 through G59
    7,..,54 : Work zero offset value of G54.1P1 through G54.1P48

  • Series 16/18/21, 16i/18i/21i, 0i-A/B/C
  • M Series 0 : External work zero offset value
    1,..,6 : Work zero offset value of G54 through G59
    7,..,306 : Work zero offset value of G54.1P1 through G54.1P300
    T Series 0 : External work zero offset value
    1,..,6 : Work zero offset value of G54 through G59

  • Series 0i-F, 30i
  • 0 : External work zero offset value
    1,..,6 : Work zero offset value of G54 through G59
    7,..,306 : Work zero offset value of G54.1P1 through G54.1P300

  • Series 16i/18i-W
  • 0 : External work zero offset value
    1,..,6 : Work zero offset value of G54 through G59

Specify the end work zero offset number.

Specify the axis number.

ALL_AXES : assigns all axes (ALL_AXES=-1)
1,..,m : assigns 1 axis (m=current controlled axes)


EW_OK is returned on successful completion, otherwise any value except EW_OK is returned.

The major error codes are as follows.

Return code Meaning/Error handling
Data block length error
Size of IODBZOR structure(length) is wrong.
Data number error
Offset number(datano_s, datano_e) is wrong.
Data attribute error
Axis number(type) is wrong.
Data error (Series 15, 0i-F, 30i)
Offset data(data) is out of range.
No option (Series 16/18/21, 16i/18i/21i, 0i, 30i)
This function needs the work zero offset option.

As for the other return codes or the details, see "Return status of Data window function"

CNC option

And this function is related to the following CNC option.

  • Series 15/15i
  • Work zero offset 48 sets

  • Series 16/18/21, 16i/18i/21i, 0i
  • M Series Work zero offset
    Work zero offset 48 sets
    Work zero offset 300 sets
    T Series Work zero offset

  • Series 0i-F
  • Work zero offset 300 sets

  • Series 30i
  • Work zero offset
    Work zero offset 48 sets
    Work zero offset 300 sets

For HSSB connection,

    The extended driver/library function is necessary.

For Ethernet connection,

    The Ethernet function and the extended driver/library function are necessary.

    However, in case of Series 16i/18i/21i-B, 0i-B/C/D/F and 30i, the required CNC option is as follows.

    When Embedded Ethernet is used,

      above two optional functions are not required.

    When Ethernet board is used,

      only Ethernet function is required.

CNC parameter

This function is related to the following CNC parameter.
See the manual of CNC parameter for details.

  • Series 15
  • 1004#0,#1,#5, 1009#1
  • Series 15i
  • 1012#0,#1,#2,#3
  • Series 16/18/21, 16i/18i/21i, 0i-A/B/C
  • 1004#0,#1
  • Series 30i
  • 1013#3,#2,#1,#0
  • Series 0i-D/F
  • 1013#1,#0

CNC mode

This function can be used in any CNC mode.

Available CNC

0i-A 0i-B/C(Note) 0i-D 0i-F 15 15i 16 18 21 16i-A 18i-A 21i-A 16i-B 18i-B 21i-B 30i-A 30i-B
M (Machining)H O O O H O H H H O O O O O O O O
T (Turning) H O O O H - H H X O O O O O O O O
LC (Loader) - - - - - - H H H H H H H H H - -

P (Punch press)O O O O - O
L (Laser) - - O - - O
W (Wire) - - O O O O

Power Mate i-DX
Power Mate i-HX
Power Motion i-AX

"O" : Both Ethernet and HSSB
"E" : Ethernet
"H" : HSSB
"X" : Cannot be used
"-" : None

Note) 0i-C does not support the HSSB function.

See Also

cnc_rdzofs   cnc_wrzofs   cnc_rdzofsr   cnc_rdzofsinfo  

Example(C Language)

The following program writes the work zero offset values of G54 through G59
for the specified axis.

#include "fwlib32.h"

/* axis is axis index to be altered. */
/* offset is array of new offset value. */
short example( short axis, long *offset )
    IODBZOR zofsr ;
    short ret ;
    zofsr.datano_s = 1 ;
    zofsr.datano_e = 6 ;
    zofsr.type = axis ;
    memcpy( &[0], offset, 4*6 ) ;
    ret = cnc_wrzofsr( h, 8+4*1*6, &zofsr ) ;
    return ( ret ) ;


The following program writes the work zero offset values of G54 through G59
for the specified axis.

class example
    /* axis is axis index to be altered. */
    /* offset is array of new offset value. */
    public short sample(short axis, int[] offset)
        Focas1.IODBZOR zofsr = new Focas1.IODBZOR();
        short ret;
        zofsr.datano_s = 1;
        zofsr.datano_e = 6;
        zofsr.type = axis;
        offset.CopyTo(, 0);
        ret = Focas1.cnc_wrzofsr(h, 8 + 4 * 1 * 6, zofsr);
        return (ret);

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Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_getmactype

Gets the type of custom macro variable which is used by... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_getmactype

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_getpmactype

Gets the type of P code macro variable which is used by... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_getpmactype

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_hpccactfine

Reads fine level for high-speed and high-precision machining.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_hpccactfine

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_hpccatset

Commands CNC to set the setting data for high-speed and high-precision machining automatically.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_hpccatset

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_hpccattune

Commands CNC to tune up the tuning data for high-speed and high-precision machining automatically.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_hpccattune

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_hpccselfine

Selects fine level for high-speed and high-precision machining.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_hpccselfine

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdactfixofs

Reads the active fixture offset number and the active fixture offset value specified by axis. The offset number is stored in type of IODBZOFS with binary... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdactfixofs

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdbaxis

Reads the command data for B axis(current command, next command). The unit of command data is as follows. Series 16/18/21, 16i/18i/21i... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdbaxis

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdbtofsinfo

Reads the memory type of tool offset for B axis, the available number and the auxiliary function number which means offset cancel.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdbtofsinfo

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdbtofsr

Reads the tool offset value for B axis specified by s_number, e_number, type. The offset value is stored in IODBBTO with signed binary format.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdbtofsr

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdexecmcode

Reads specified number of executing or executed M codes, starting from the M code group with specified number.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdexecmcode

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdfixofs

Reads the fixture offset value specified by s_number, e_number, axis. The offset value is stored in data array of IODBZOR with signed binary format.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdfixofs

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdhpccset

Reads setting data for High-speed and high-precision machining. The data is stored in each member of IODBHPST. This function is not... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdhpccset

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdhpcctuac

Reads tuning data(acc./dec. input) for high-speed and high-precision machining. The data is stored in each member of IODBHPAC. This... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdhpcctuac

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdhpcctupr

Reads tuning data(parameter input) for high-speed and high-precision machining. The data is stored in each member of IODBHPPR. This function is not... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdhpcctupr

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdhsparam

The CNC parameter shown by parameter information is read at high speed. The parameter can be read according to parameter information acquired... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdhsparam

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdhsprminfo

Get information for high-speed read of parameter. Got parameter information is effective until the reboot of CNC. Moreover, got... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdhsprminfo

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdintchk

Reads the coordinate value of interference check area specified by s_number, e_number, type. The coordinate value is stored in data... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdintchk

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdintinfo

Reads the available number of interference check data. It is stored in (*intinf) with binary format.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdintinfo

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdmacro

Reads the custom macro variable specified by number. The data is stored in ODBM with signed binary format. The kinds of custom macro variable are as... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdmacro

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdmacroinfo

Reads the available number of the local macro variable and the common macro variable. Those are stored in use_no1, use_no2 of ODBMVINF with signed binary... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdmacroinfo

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdmacror

Reads the custom macro variable specified by datano_s, datano_e. The data is stored in IODBMR with signed binary format. The kinds of custom macro... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdmacror

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdmacror2

Reads the custom macro variables specified by the starting number, s_no, and number of variables, *num. The data is stored in data with double format. It... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdmacror2

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdmacror3

Reads the custom macro variables specified by the starting number, s_no, and number of variables, *num. In this function, when you read the... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdmacror3

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdmgrpdata

Reads specified number of M code group data starting from the specified number.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdmgrpdata

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdparainfo

Reads the CNC parameter information specified by s_number and read_no. The CNC parameter is basically non-continuous, and the attribute like the... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdparainfo

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdparainfo3

Reads the CNC parameter information specified by s_number and *read_no. The CNC parameter is basically non-continuous, and the attribute like the... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdparainfo3

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdparam

Reads the parameter specified by number,axis(only for the parameter with axis). The data format depends on each parameter. The format of... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdparam

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdparam3

Reads the parameter specified by number,axis(only for the parameter with axis). In this function, the acquired... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdparam3

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdparam_ext

Reads the random number parameters. The parameter numbers are specified by the array of long type (prm_no[]). And the number of the array is specified by... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdparam_ext

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdparanum

Reads minimum, maximum, total number of the CNC parameter. The distribution of the parameter is different in each CNC model, and the new parameter may be... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdparanum

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdparar

Reads the parameter specified by *s_number,*e_number,axis(only for the parameter with axis). The data format depends on each parameter. The format of... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdparar

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdpitchinfo

Reads the available number of pitch error compensation data. It is stored in *use_no with signed binary format. In case of Series 16i/18i-W, the data... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdpitchinfo

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdpitchr

Reads the pitch error compensation data specified by s_number, e_number. The data is stored in data array of IODBPI with signed binary format.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdpitchr

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdpmacro

Reads the P code macro variable (variable for the macro-executor) specified by number. The data is stored in ODBPM with signed binary format. It is... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdpmacro

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdpmacroinfo

Reads the available number of the P code macro variables (variable for the macro-executor) and the type of it. Those are stored in ODBPMINF with signed binary... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdpmacroinfo

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdpmacroinfo2

Reads the available number of the P code macro variables (variable for the macro-executor) and the type of it. Those are stored in ODBPMINF2 with signed binary... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdpmacroinfo2

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdpmacror

Reads the P code macro variables(variable for the macro-executor) specified by s_number, e_number. The data is stored in IODBPR... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdpmacror

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdpmacror2

Reads the P code macro variables(variables for the macro-executor) specified by the starting number, stnum, and number of variables, *num. The data is... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdpmacror2

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdrotvolc

Read the 3-dimensional rotary error compensation data by specified range.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdrotvolc

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdrstrmcode

Reads specified number of executing or executed M codes, starting from the M code group with specified number.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdrstrmcode

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdset

Reads the setting data specified by number,axis(only for the setting data with axis). The data format depends on each setting data. The format of... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdset

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdsetinfo

Reads the CNC setting data information specified by s_number and read_no. The CNC setting data is basically non-continuous, and the attribute like... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdsetinfo

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdsetnum

Reads minimum, maximum, total number of the CNC setting data. The distribution of the setting data is different in each CNC model, and the new setting... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdsetnum

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdsetr

Reads the setting data specified by s_number,e_number,axis(only for the setting data with axis). The data format depends on each... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdsetr

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdtofs

Reads the tool offset value specified by number, type. The offset value is stored in data of ODBTOFS with signed binary format.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdtofs

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdtofsinfo

Reads the memory type of tool offset, and the available number of it. Those are stored in ofs_type and use_no of ODBTLINF with signed binary format.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdtofsinfo

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdtofsinfo2

Reads the memory type of tool offset, the available number of it and available type of tool offset. Those are stored in ofs_type, use_no and... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdtofsinfo2

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdtofsr

Reads the tool offset value specified by s_number,e_number,type. The offset value is stored in IODBTO with signed binary format.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdtofsr

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdvolc

Reads the 3-dimensional error compensation data by specified range.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdvolc

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdvolccomp

The compensation amount at the current position of 3-dimensional error compensation axis is acquired.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdvolccomp

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdwkcdsfms

Reads the work coordinate shift measured value specified by axis. The work coordinate shift measured value are stored in data array of IODBWCSF with signed... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdwkcdsfms

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdwkcdshft

Reads the work coordinate shift value specified by axis. The work coordinate shift value are stored in data array of IODBWCSF with signed binary format.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdwkcdshft

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdzofs

Reads the work zero offset value specified by number, axis. The offset value is stored in data[0] of IODBZOFS with signed binary... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdzofs

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdzofsinfo

Reads the available number of work zero offset. It is stored in *use_no with signed binary format.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdzofsinfo

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdzofsr

Reads the work zero offset value specified by s_number, e_number, axis. The offset value is stored in data array of IODBZOR with signed binary... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_rdzofsr

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_setmactype

Changes the type of custom macro variable which is used by... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_setmactype

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_setpmactype

Changes the type of P code macro variable which is used by... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_setpmactype

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_tofs_rnge

Reads the effective setting range of tool offset value specified by number, type. The effective setting range is stored in... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_tofs_rnge

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wksft_rnge

Reads the effective setting range of work coordinate shift value specified by axis. The effective setting range is stored in data_min, data_max... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wksft_rnge

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrbtofsr

Writes the tool offset value for B axis specified by datano_s, datano_e,type. The offset value must be stored in IODBBTO with signed binary format.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrbtofsr

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrfixofs

Writes the fixture offset value specified by datano_s, datano_e, type. The offset value must be stored in data array of IODBZOR... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrfixofs

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrhpccset

Writes setting data for high-speed and high-precision machining. This function is not supported on Series 15i. The function which writes CNC... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrhpccset

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrhpcctuac

Writes tuning data(acc./dec. input) for high-speed and high-precision machining. This function is not supported on Series 15i. The function which writes... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrhpcctuac

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrhpcctupr

Writes tuning data(parameter input) for high-speed and high-precision machining. This function is not supported on Series 15i. The function... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrhpcctupr

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrintchk

Writes the coordinate value of interference check area specified by datano_s,datano_e,type. The coordinate value... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrintchk

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrmacro

Writes the custom macro variable specified by number. The data must be stored in mcr_val, dec_val with signed binary format. The kind of custom... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrmacro

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrmacror

Writes the custom macro variable specified by datano_s, datano_e. The data must be stored in IODBMR with signed binary format. The kind of custom... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrmacror

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrmacror2

Writes the custom macro variables specified by the starting number, s_no, and number of variables, *num. The data is stored in data with double format. It... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrmacror2

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrmgrpdata

Writes specified number of M code group data starting from the specified number.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrmgrpdata

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrparam

Writes the parameter specified by datano,type(only for the parameter with axis). The data format depends on each parameter. The format of Byte/Word/2-Word... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrparam

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrparas

Writes all parameters stored in param. The data format depends on each parameter. The format of Byte/Word/2-Word parameter is generally signed binary.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrparas

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrpitchr

Writes the pitch error compensation data specified by datano_s, datano_e. The data must be stored in data array of IODBPI with signed binary format.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrpitchr

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrpmacro

Writes the P code macro variable (variable for the macro-executor) specified by number. The data must be stored in mcr_val,dec_val with signed binary... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrpmacro

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrpmacror

Writes the P code macro variable (variable for the macro-executor) specified by datano_s, datano_e. The data must be stored in IODBPR with signed binary... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrpmacror

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrpmacror2

Writes the P code macro variables(variables for the macro-executor) specified by the starting number, stnum, and number of variables, *num. The data is... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrpmacror2

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrrotvolc

Write the 3-dimensional rotary error compensation data by specified range.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrrotvolc

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrset

Writes the setting data specified by datano,type(only for the setting data with axis). The data format depends on each setting data. The format of... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrset

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrsets

Writes all setting data stored in set. The data format depends on each setting data. The format of Byte/Word/2-Word setting data is generally signed binary.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrsets

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrtofs

Writes the tool offset value specified by number, type. The offset value must be stored in data with signed binary format. The unit of offset... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrtofs

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrtofsr

Writes the tool offset value specified by datano_s,datano_e,type. The offset value must be stored in IODBTO with signed binary format.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrtofsr

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrvolc

Writes the 3-dimensional error compensation data by specified range.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrvolc

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrwkcdsfms

Writes the work coordinate shift measured value specified by type. The work coordinate shift measured value must be stored in data... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrwkcdsfms

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrwkcdshft

Writes the work coordinate shift value specified by type. The work coordinate shift value must be stored in data array of... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrwkcdshft

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrzofs

Writes the work zero offset value specified by datano, type. The offset value must be stored in data[0] of IODBZOFS with signed binary format.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_wrzofs

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_zofs_rnge

Reads the effective setting range of work zero offset value specified by number, axis. The effective setting range is stored in... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | cnc_zofs_rnge

Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | flist_Ncdata

CNC: Function related to CNC file data... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Ncdata | flist_Ncdata
Modified: 2023-12-05