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Writes the PMC data of the specified PMC address/range.

This function is used to exchange the data between the application on MMC function and LADDER software on PMC.

MTConnect Fanuc Adapter

Universal Fanuc Driver

Fanuc Focas Library CD


#include "fwlib32.h" or "fwlib64.h"

FWLIBAPI short WINAPI pmc_wrpmcrng(unsigned short FlibHndl, short length,IODBPMC *buf);


FlibHndl   [ in ]

Specify the library handle. See "Library handle" for details.

length   [ in ]
Specify the data block length.
data_type is 0(byte type) : length = 8 + N
data_type is 1(word type) : length = 8 + N × 2
data_type is 2(long type) : length = 8 + N × 4
data_type is 4(32-bit floating-point type) : length = 8 + N × 4
data_type is 5(64-bit floating-point type) : length = 8 + N × 8
* N is the number of written data.
buf   [ in ]

Pointer to the IODBPMC structure.
The IODBPMC structure is as follows.
In case of using PMC memory D in Series 0i-F, 30i/31i/32i/35i-B, PMi-A, define character constant "PMCMEMD" at compiling by the '-D' option.

#if defined (PMCMEMD)
typedef struct iodbpmc {
    short            type_a ;   /* Kind of PMC address */
    short            type_d ;   /* Type of the PMC data */
    unsigned short   datano_s ; /* Start PMC address number */
    unsigned short   datano_e ; /* End PMC address number */
    union {
        char    cdata[N] ;/* The PMC data(byte type) */
        short   idata[N] ;/*             (word type) */
        long    ldata[N] ;/*             (long type) */
        float   fdata[N] ; /*            (32-bit floating-point type)*/
        double  dfdata[N]; /*            (64-bit floating-point type)*/
    } u ;           /* N is the number of read data */
typedef struct  iodbpmc {
    short   type_a ;    /* Kind of PMC address */
    short   type_d ;    /* Type of the PMC data */
    short   datano_s ;  /* Start PMC address number */
    short   datano_e ;  /* End PMC address number */
    union {
        char    cdata[N] ;/* The PMC data(byte type) */
        short   idata[N] ;/*             (word type) */
        long    ldata[N] ;/*             (long type) */
        float   fdata[N] ; /*            (32-bit floating-point type)*/
        double  dfdata[N]; /*            (64-bit floating-point type)*/
    } u ;           /* N is the number of written data */
Specify the identification code corresponding to the kind of the PMC address.
Specify the type of the PMC data.
It must be the same one as the type of data of the PMC side.
0:Byte type
1:Word type
2:Long type
4:32-bit floating-point type(30i-B Series/0i-F/PMi-A only)
5:64-bit floating-point type(30i-B Series/0i-F/PMi-A only)
Specify the start PMC address number.
Specify the end PMC address number.
See "The referenceable range of PMC data" of "Read PMC data(area specified) (pmc_rdpmcrng)" about the kind of the PMC address, the start address, and the end address.

Example of specifying argument

  1. 250 is written in D0100(It is assumed the word type)
  2. buf.type_a 9
    buf.type_d 1
    buf.datano_s 100
    buf.datano_e 101
    length 8+2×1 (=10)
    buf.u.idata[0] 250
  3. 0 is written all of R0200,..,R0209(It is assumed byte type)
  4. buf.type_a 5
    buf.type_d 0
    buf.datano_s 200
    buf.datano_e 209
    length 8+1×10 (=18)
    0 all
  5. 1.1 is written in D0100(It is assumed 32-bit floating-point type)
  6. buf.type_a 9
    buf.type_d 4
    buf.datano_s 100
    buf.datano_e 103
    length 8+4×1 (=12)
    buf.u.idata[0] 1.1
  7. -2.2 and 33.3 are written in R104, R112(It is assumed 64-bit floating-point type)
  8. buf.type_a 5
    buf.type_d 5
    buf.datano_s 104
    buf.datano_e 119
    length 8+8×2 (=24)
    buf.u.idata[0] -2.2
    buf.u.idata[1] 33.3


EW_OK is returned on successful completion, otherwise any value except EW_OK is returned.

The major error codes are as follows.

Return code Meaning/Error handling
There is no PMC.
Data block length error
Size of IODBPMC structure(length) is wrong.
Address range error
Address range error PMC address number(datano_s,datano_e) is wrong.
Data attribute error
Kind of PMC address(type_a) or type of PMC data (type_d) is wrong.
The data of specified range cannot be written because the data is protected.
(Series 16i/18i/21i, 0i-A/B/C)

As for the other return codes or the details, see "Return status of Data window function"

CNC option

For HSSB connection,

    The extended driver/library function is necessary.

For Ethernet connection,

    The Ethernet function and the extended driver/library function are necessary.

    However, in case of Series 16i/18i/21i-B, 0i-B/C/D/F, Series 30i and PMi-A, the required CNC option is as follows.

    When Embedded Ethernet is used,

      above two optional functions are not required.

    When Ethernet board is used,

      only Ethernet function is required.

CNC parameter

This function is not related to CNC parameter.

CNC mode

This function can be used in any CNC mode.

Available CNC

0i-A 0i-B/C(Note) 0i-D 0i-F 15 15i 16 18 21 16i-A 18i-A 21i-A 16i-B 18i-B 21i-B 30i-A 30i-B
M (Machining)H O O O H O H H H O O O O O O O O
T (Turning) H O O O H - H H H O O O O O O O O
LC (Loader) - - - - - - H H H H H H H H H - -

P (Punch press)O O O O - O
L (Laser) - - O - - O
W (Wire) - - O O O O

Power Mate i-DO
Power Mate i-HO
Power Motion i-AO

"O" : Both Ethernet and HSSB
"E" : Ethernet
"H" : HSSB
"X" : Cannot be used
"-" : None

Note) 0i-C does not support the HSSB function.

See Also

pmc_rdpmcrng   pmc_rdpmcinfo  

Example(C Language)

The following program writes the PMC data within the specified
PMC address range.

#include "fwlib32.h"

/* start/end are start/end PMC address to be written. */
/* values is array of value to be written. */
short example( short start, short end, char* values )
        IODBPMC *pmcrng;
        short ret, idx;
        unsigned short length;

        length = 8 + (end - start + 1);
        pmcrng = (IODBPMC *)malloc( length );
        pmcrng->type_a = 0;                       // In case that kind of PMC address is G
        pmcrng->type_d = 0;                       // In case that type of PMC data is Byte
        pmcrng->datano_s = start;
        pmcrng->datano_e = end;
        for (idx = 0; idx < end - start + 1; idx++)
                pmcrng->u.cdata[idx] = values[idx];

        ret = pmc_wrpmcrng( h, length, pmcrng );
        if ( ret )
                printf( "ERROR!(%d)\n", ret );
        free( pmcrng ) ;
        return ( ret ) ;


The following program writes the PMC data within the specified
PMC address range.

class example
    /* start/end are start/end PMC address to be written. */
    /* values is array of value to be written. */
    public short sample(short start, short end, byte[] value)
        Focas1.IODBPMC0 pmcHead = new Focas1.IODBPMC0();
        short ret, idx;
        ushort length;

        length = (ushort)(8 + (end - start + 1));
        byte[] bytes = new byte[length];
        IntPtr ptrHead = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(pmcHead));

        pmcHead.type_a = 0;                    // In case that kind of PMC address is G
        pmcHead.type_d = 0;                    // In case that type of PMC data is Byte
        pmcHead.datano_s = start;
        pmcHead.datano_e = end;
        Marshal.StructureToPtr(pmcHead, ptrHead, false);
        Marshal.Copy(ptrHead, bytes, 0, 8);
        for (idx = 0; idx < end - start + 1; idx++)
            bytes[8 + idx] = value[idx];

        ret = Focas1.pmc_wrpmcrng(h, length, bytes);
        if (ret != Focas1.EW_OK)
            Console.WriteLine("ERROR!({0})", ret);
        return (ret);

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Modified: 2023-12-05