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Reads the diagnosis data specified by "s_number","e_number","axis"(only for the diagnosis data with axis). The data format depends on each diagnosis data. The format of Byte/Word/2-Word diagnosis data is generally signed binary.

Reads the diagnosis data for all axes specified range by specifying 'ALL_AXES' in 'axis'.

The attribute of CNC diagnosis data depends on the type and axis, and it is different for each diagnosis data. It is as follows, and can be got by cnc_rddiaginfo function.
Diagnosis data type Meaning Byte size
Bit diagnosis data Every bits have each definition. 1
Bit diagnosis data with axis Every bits have each definition. (each axis) 1
Byte diagnosis data 1-byte data is stored. 1
Byte diagnosis data with axis 1-byte data is stored. (each axis) 1
Word diagnosis data 2-byte data is stored. 2
Word diagnosis data with axis 2-byte data is stored. (each axis) 2
2-Word diagnosis data 4-byte data is stored. 4
2-Word diagnosis data with axis 4-byte data is stored. (each axis) 4
Real diagnosis
(Series 15i, 30i, 0i-D/F, PMi-A)
4-byte data which indicates value of variable and 4-byte data which indicates number of places of decimals are stored. 8
Real diagnosis with axis
(Series 15i, 30i, 0i-D/F, PMi-A)
4-byte data which indicates value of variable and 4-byte data which indicates number of places of decimals are stored. (each axis) 8

It is impossible to read any bit diagnosis data bit by bit. 8 bits (i.e. 1 byte) which belong to the same diagnosis data number are read at the same time.

See the "MAINTENANCE MANUAL" of CNC for details of each diagnosis data.

MTConnect Fanuc Adapter

Universal Fanuc Driver

Fanuc Focas Library CD


#include "fwlib32.h" or "fwlib64.h"

FWLIBAPI short WINAPI cnc_diagnosr(unsigned short FlibHndl, short *s_number, short axis, short *e_number, short *length, void *diag);


FlibHndl   [ in ]

Specify the library handle. See "Library handle" for details.

s_number   [ in/out ]

Specify the start diagnosis data number. The first diagnosis data number which was read actually is returned.

See the "MAINTENANCE MANUAL" of CNC about available diagnosis data number. It can be got by cnc_rddiagnum function and cnc_rddiaginfo function.

e_number   [ in/out ]
Specify the end diagnosis data number. The last diagnosis data number which was read actually is returned.

The new diagnosis data may be added according to updating CNC software, addition of the new function, etc. If the new diagnosis data is added within reading range, the error(Return:EW_LENGTH) may be returned or the application program may not work correctly. In order to avoid these problems, specify the continuous numbers of existing diagnoses as the reading range.
axis   [ in ]

Specify the axis number.

0 : assigns no axis
1,..,m : assigns 1 axis (m=maximum controlled axes)
ALL_AXES : assigns all axes (ALL_AXES=-1)

None axis type diagnosis data can be read even if any value is specified in "axis". In case that an axis type diagnosis data exists in the specified range, the error(Retuen:EW_ATTRIB) is returned by specifying "axis=0".

length   [ in ]
Specify the data block length which is enough to store the specified diagnosis data.

The structure per 1 diagnosis data is as follows, and each diagnosis data is lined up in order of number.

[= Sum of (4+(byte size of each diagnosis data) * (number of axis))]
Because the size of data which was read actually is returned, it is possible to specify the length more than the actual size.

In case that the size of diagnosis data is 2 byte, the ODBDGN structure is as follows. In case that the size of diagnosis data is 1 or 2 byte and the length per 1 diagnosis data is not a multiple of 4, 'dummy' is necessary at the end of structure. In case that its size is 4 or 8 byte, the size of data part per 1 diagnosis data or 1 axis is 4 or 8 byte, and so 'dummy' is not necessary.

no axis/1 axis all axes
n : Maximum controlled axes
diag   [ out ]

Pointer to the area to store the diagnoses. Each diagnosis data can be referred by using the ODBDGN structure.

  • Series 15, 16/18/21, 16i/18i/21i, 0i-A/B/C, Power Mate i
  • typedef struct odbdgn { short datano; /* diagnosis data number */ short type; /* upper byte:type */ /* lower byte:axis */ union { char cdata; /* bit/byte diagnosis data */ short idata; /* word diagnosis data */ long ldata; /* 2-word diagnosis data */ char cdatas[MAX_AXIS]; /* bit/byte diagnosis data with axis*/ short idatas[MAX_AXIS]; /* word diagnosis data with axis */ long ldatas[MAX_AXIS]; /* 2-word diagnosis data with axis */ } u ; } ODBDGN ; /* MAX_AXIS : max. controlled axes */
  • Series 15i, 30i, 0i-D/F, PMi-A
  • typedef struct realdgn { /* real diagnosis data */ long dgn_val; /* value of variable */ long dec_val; /* number of places of decimals */ } REALDGN ; typedef struct odbdgn { short datano; /* diagnosis data number */ short type; /* upper byte:type */ /* lower byte:axis */ union { char cdata; /* bit/byte diagnosis data */ short idata; /* word diagnosis data */ long ldata; /* 2-word diagnosis data */ REALDGN rdata; /* real diagnosis data */ char cdatas[MAX_AXIS];/*bit/byte diagnosis data with axis*/ short idatas[MAX_AXIS];/* word diagnosis data with axis */ long ldatas[MAX_AXIS];/* 2-word diagnosis data with axis */ REALDGN rdatas[MAX_AXIS];/* real diagnosis data with axis */ } u ; } ODBDGN ; /* MAX_AXIS : max. controlled axes */
    diagnosis data number which was read is stored.
    Attribute of diagnosis data which was read is stored.
    Upper byte : type
    0 : byte type
    1 : word type
    2 : 2-word type
    3 : bit type(8 bit)
    4 : bit type(1 bit : except Series 15/15i)
    5 : real type(Series 15i, 30i, 0i-D/F, PMi-A)
    Lower byte : axis
    0 : no axis
    1,..,m : 1 axis(m=max. controlled axes)
    ALL_AXES : all axes(ALL_AXES=-1)
    rdata, rdatas (Series 15i, 30i, 0i-D/F, PMi-A)
    Real diagnosis data is stored.
    The value of variable is stored in dgn_val, and the number of places of decimals is stored in dec_val.

    Real diagnosis data = dgn_val * 10 ** (-dec_val)

    (Example) When the value of real diagnosis data is 12.345, dgn_val and dec_val are read as follows.

    dgn_val = 12345
    dec_val = 3


    EW_OK is returned on successful completion, otherwise any value except EW_OK is returned.

    The major error codes are as follows.

    Return code Meaning/Error handling
    Data block length error
    Size of area to store diagnosis data (length) is wrong.
    Data number error
    diagnosis data number (s_number, e_number) is wrong.
    Data attribute error
    Axis number (axis) is wrong.

    As for the other return codes or the details, see "Return status of Data window function"

    CNC option

    For HSSB connection,

      The extended driver/library function is necessary.

    For Ethernet connection,

      The Ethernet function and the extended driver/library function are necessary.

      However, in case of Series 16i/18i/21i-B, 0i-B/C/D/F, Series 30i and PMi-A, the required CNC option is as follows.

      When Embedded Ethernet is used,

        above two optional functions are not required.

      When Ethernet board is used,

        only Ethernet function is required.

    CNC parameter

    This function is not related to CNC parameter.

    CNC mode

    This function can be used in any CNC mode.

    Available CNC

    0i-A 0i-B/C(Note) 0i-D 0i-F 15 15i 16 18 21 16i-A 18i-A 21i-A 16i-B 18i-B 21i-B 30i-A 30i-B
    M (Machining)H O O O H O H H H O O O O O O O O
    T (Turning) H O O O H - H H H O O O O O O O O
    LC (Loader) - - - - - - H H H H H H H H H - -

    P (Punch press)O O O O - O
    L (Laser) - - O - - O
    W (Wire) - - O O O O

    Power Mate i-DO
    Power Mate i-HO
    Power Motion i-AO

    "O" : Both Ethernet and HSSB
    "E" : Ethernet
    "H" : HSSB
    "X" : Cannot be used
    "-" : None

    Note) 0i-C does not support the HSSB function.

    See Also

    cnc_diagnoss   cnc_rddiag_ext   cnc_rddiaginfo   cnc_rddiagnum  

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    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_adcnv

    Reads the A/D conversion data. The A/D conversion data is stored in data of ODBAD.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_adcnv

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_alarm

    Reads the alarm status of CNC. Various information is stored in data of ODBALM. This function is used for watching CNC's alarm... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_alarm

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_alarm2

    Reads the alarm status of CNC. This function is the improved version of the... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_alarm2

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_cexesramsize

    Reads the maximum size of the SRAM variable area for C language executor. The maximum size is read by the unit of byte.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_cexesramsize

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_chgprotbit

    Sets the state of various NC data protection (protection pattern data). The protection pattern data is bit pattern data which collects flags corresponding to... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_chgprotbit

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_clralm

    Clears the CNC alarm state specified by id.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_clralm

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_diagnoss

    Reads the diagnosis specified by number,axis (only for the diagnosis with axis). The data format depends on each diagnosis. The format of Byte/Word/2-Word... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_diagnoss

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_fromget

    Reads the F-ROM data from CNC. After F-ROM data reading, execute... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_fromget

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_fromgetend

    Indicates the termination of reading the F-ROM data from CNC.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_fromgetend

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_fromgetstart

    Indicates the start of reading the F-ROM data from CNC. However, the system control software cannot be... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_fromgetstart

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_fromput

    Writes the F-ROM data to CNC. After F-ROM data writing, execute... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_fromput

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_fromputend

    Indicates the termination of writing the F-ROM data to CNC. This function waits until the termination of writing process of the F-ROM data on CNC.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_fromputend

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_fromputstart

    Indicates the start of writing the F-ROM data to CNC. The data which can be written in F-ROM is system data (CNC Control software... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_fromputstart

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_fromremove

    Deletes the System data from F-ROM on CNC. However, the system control software cannot be deleted in the Ethernet version.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_fromremove

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_getdtailerr

    Gets the detailed error information after the function has been executed. The detailed error information is stored in err_no, err_dtno of... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_getdtailerr

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_getfigure

    Reads the maximum valid figures and the number of decimal places under the input/output unit, which is related to various data of CNC. The... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_getfigure

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_getfrominfo

    Reads the various information of F-ROM on CNC. The various information is stored in each member of ODBFINFORM.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_getfrominfo

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_getlanguage

    The display language of NC is acquired.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_getlanguage

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_getlockstat

    Gets the present state of various NC data protection.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_getlockstat

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_getpath

    Reads the current selected path number which is the target path of the Data window functions.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_getpath

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_getsraminfo

    Reads the various information of S-RAM on CNC. The various information is stored in each member of ODBSINFO.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_getsraminfo

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_gettimer

    Gets the date or time data from the calendar timer device of the CNC unit.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_gettimer

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_modal

    Reads the modal information of CNC. Various information is stored in each member of ODBMDL. The readable modal data are modal G code or commanded data... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_modal

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rd3dcdcnv

    Reads the mode and data of the 3-dimensional coordinate conversion. These are stored in each member of ODB3DCD structure. The... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rd3dcdcnv

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rd3dtofs

    Reads the mode and vector of the 3-dimensional tool compensation. These are stored in each member of ODB3DTO structure. The places of decimal... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rd3dtofs

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdalminfo

    Reads the detailed information of currently arising CNC alarms. Various information is stored in data of ALMINFO. This function is... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdalminfo

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdalmmsg

    Reads the currently arising CNC alarm messages. All alarm messages can be read at once. Differing from... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdalmmsg

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdalmmsg2

    Reads the currently arising CNC alarm messages. All alarm messages can be read at once. Differing from... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdalmmsg2

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdbrstrinfo

    Reads the data of block restart. These are stored in each member of ODBBRS structure. The destination and the distance to go of block restart are valid... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdbrstrinfo

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdcdrotate

    Reads the mode and data of the coordinate rotation. These are stored in each member of ODBROT structure. The places of decimal points can be got by... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdcdrotate

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdcexesram

    Reads the SRAM variable area for C language executor specified by offset, length. When this function accesses this area, exclusive control with the C... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdcexesram

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdcncid

    Reads the CNC ID number. The CNC ID numbers are stored in cncid with unsigned binary format.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdcncid

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdcommand

    Reads the commanded data of CNC. Various information is stored in each member of ODBCMD. The readable data are the modal data except G code, and the... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdcommand

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdcoordnum

    Reads the number of the additional workpiece coordinate systems of the workpiece coordinate systems.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdcoordnum

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rddiaginfo

    Reads the CNC diagnosis data information specified by s_number and read_no. The CNC diagnosis data is basically non-continuous, and the attribute like... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rddiaginfo

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rddiagnum

    Reads minimum, maximum, total number of the CNC diagnosis data. The distribution of the diagnosis data is different in each CNC model, and the new diagnosis... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rddiagnum

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rddiag_ext

    Reads the random number diagnosis data. The diagnosis data numbers are specified by the array of long type (prm_no[]). And the number of the array is specified... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rddiag_ext

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdetherinfo

    Reads the Ethernet board inforamtion in CNC.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdetherinfo

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdfixcycle

    Reads the mode and data of the canned cycle. These are stored in each member of ODBFIX structure. The places of decimal points can be got by... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdfixcycle

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdgcode

    Reads the information of CNC about the commanded G code. Various information is stored in each member of ODBGCD. The readable data are modal G code and one... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdgcode

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdlenofs

    Reads the mode and vector of the tool length compensation. These are stored in each member of ODBLOFS structure. The places of decimal... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdlenofs

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdmdlconfig

    Reads the module configuration of CNC system. These information are stored in each member of ODBMDLC. Reading the data which depends on the path... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdmdlconfig

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdmdlconfig2

    Reads the module configuration of CNC system.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdmdlconfig2

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdmenuswitch

    Reads the menu switch signals.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdmenuswitch

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdmirimage

    Reads the mode of the programmable mirror image and the absolute position of center of mirror image. These are stored in each member of ODBMIR... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdmirimage

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdopmsg

    Reads the contents of the operator's message in CNC. The operator's message is stored in data of OPMSG.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdopmsg

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdopmsg2

    Reads the contents of the operator's message in CNC. The operator's message is stored in data of OPMSG2. This function can be used in... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdopmsg2

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdopmsg3

    Reads the contents of the operator's message in CNC. The operator's message is stored in data of opmsg.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdopmsg3

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdopnlgnrl

    Reads the general output signal image of software operator's panel.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdopnlgnrl

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdopnlgsname

    Reads the general signal name of software operator's panel.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdopnlgsname

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdopnlsgnl

    Reads the output signal image of software operator's panel.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdopnlsgnl

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdpm_cncitem

    Reads the item name relating the cnc specified by the item index.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdpm_cncitem

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdpm_item

    Reads all data specified by the item index. The acquired data is as follows. - Name - Life count... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdpm_item

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdpm_mcnitem

    Reads the item name relating the machine specified by the item index.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdpm_mcnitem

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdposofs

    Reads the mode and vector of the tool position compensation. These are stored in each member of ODBPOFS structure. The... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdposofs

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdprstrinfo

    Reads the program restart information. The program restart information is stored in each member of ODBPRS.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdprstrinfo

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdradofs

    Reads the mode and vector of the cutter compensation(tool nose radius compensation). These are stored in each member of... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdradofs

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdrepeatval

    Get the counter of the subprogram call and the repeat for fixed cycle. In case of subprogram call, the remainder counter is acquired.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdrepeatval

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdrepeatval_ext

    Get the counter of the subprogram call and the repeat for fixed cycle. The total repetition number and the remainder counter are... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdrepeatval_ext

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdscaling

    Reads the mode and data of the scaling. These are stored in each member of ODBSCL structure. The places of... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdscaling

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdsyshard

    Reads the hardware configuration of CNC. These information are stored in each member of ODBSYSH. The 25... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdsyshard

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdsyssoft

    Reads the series/version of CNC system software. These information are stored in each member of ODBSYSS. Reading the data which depends on the path needs... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdsyssoft

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdsyssoft2

    Reads the series/version of CNC system software. These information are stored in each member of ODBSYSS2. This function can read data which... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdsyssoft2

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdsyssoft3

    Reads the series/version of CNC system software. These information are stored in each member of ODBSYSS3. This function can read the series/version... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdsyssoft3

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdtimer

    Gets cutting time, cycle time, and other timer data of CNC.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdtimer

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_reset

    Executes the external reset of CNC.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_reset

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_reset2

    CNC is reset. When this function is executed, reset is executed to all paths or the path selected bt CNC... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_reset2

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rstrseqsrch

    Searches the sequence number for program restart.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rstrseqsrch

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rstrseqsrch2

    Searches the sequence number for program restart.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rstrseqsrch2

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_setpath

    Selects the path number which is the target path in the multi-path system or system with loader control. All Data window library functions input... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_setpath

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_settimer

    Sets the date or time data to the calendar timer device of the CNC unit.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_settimer

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_sramget

    Reads the S-RAM data from CNC. The SRAM data which was read by this function should be restored by using the Boot function.(The SRAM... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_sramget

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_sramgetend

    Indicates the termination of reading the S-RAM data from CNC.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_sramgetend

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_sramgetstart

    Indicates the start of reading the S-RAM data from CNC.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_sramgetstart

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_statinfo

    Reads the status information of CNC. The various information is stored in each member of ODBST.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_statinfo

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_statinfo2

    Reads the status information of CNC. The various information is stored in each member of ODBST2.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_statinfo2

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_sysconfig

    Reads the CNC system configuration information. Various information is stored in each member of ODBSYSC. This function cannot be... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_sysconfig

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_sysinfo

    Reads system information such as kind of CNC system, Machining(M) or Turning(T), series and version of CNC system software and number of the controlled axes.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_sysinfo

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_sysinfo_ex

    Reads system information such as distinction of Machining(M) or Turning(T), number of path and number of the controlled axes.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_sysinfo_ex

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_wrcexesram

    Writes the SRAM variable area for C language executor specified by offset, length. When this function accesses this area, exclusive control with the... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_wrcexesram

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_wrmenuswitch

    Writes the menu switch signals.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_wrmenuswitch

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_wropnlgnrl

    Writes the general output signal of software operator's panel.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_wropnlgnrl

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_wropnlgsname

    Writes the general signal name of software operator's panel.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_wropnlgsname

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_wropnlsgnl

    Writes the output signal of software operator's panel.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_wropnlsgnl

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_wrpm_item

    Writes all data specified by the item index. The acquired data is as follows. - Name - Life count... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_wrpm_item

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_wrpm_mcnitem

    Writes the item name relating the machine specified by the item index.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_wrpm_mcnitem

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_wrtimer

    Sets cutting time, cycle time, and other timer data of CNC.... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_wrtimer

    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | flist_Misc

    CNC: Function related to others... [read more]
    Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | flist_Misc
    Modified: 2023-12-05