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CNC: Function related to others

Function Name Brief description
cnc_sysinfo Read CNC system information
cnc_sysinfo_ex Read CNC system information(2)
cnc_statinfo Read CNC status information
cnc_statinfo2 Read CNC status information(2)
cnc_alarm Read alarm status
cnc_alarm2 Read alarm status (2)
cnc_rdalminfo Read alarm information
cnc_rdalmmsg Read alarm message
cnc_rdalmmsg2 Read alarm message (2)
cnc_modal Read modal data
cnc_rdgcode Read G modal code
cnc_rdcommand Read commanded data
cnc_diagnoss Read diagnosis data
cnc_diagnosr Read diagnosis data(area specified)
cnc_rddiag_ext Read random number diagnosis data
cnc_rddiaginfo Read diagnosis data information
cnc_rddiagnum Read minimum, maximum, total number of diagnosis data
cnc_adcnv Read A/D conversion data
cnc_rdopmsg Read operator's message
cnc_rdopmsg2 Read operator's message (2)
cnc_rdopmsg3 Read operator's message (3)
cnc_setpath Set path number(for multi-path)
cnc_getpath Get path number(for multi-path)
cnc_sysconfig Read CNC configuration information
cnc_rdprstrinfo Read program restart information
cnc_rstrseqsrch Search sequence number for program restart
cnc_rstrseqsrch2 Search sequence number for program restart (2)
cnc_rdopnlsgnl Read output signal image of software operator's panel
cnc_wropnlsgnl Write output signal of software operator's panel
cnc_rdopnlgnrl Read general signal image of software operator's panel
cnc_wropnlgnrl Write general signal image of software operator's panel
cnc_rdopnlgsname Read general signal name of software operator's panel
cnc_wropnlgsname Write general signal name of software operator's panel
cnc_getdtailerr Get detail error for CNC
cnc_getfigure Read maximum valid figures, number of decimal places
cnc_rdbrstrinfo Read block restart information
cnc_rdmenuswitch Read menu switch signal
cnc_wrmenuswitch Write menu switch signal
cnc_rdradofs Read internal position compensation data(cutter compensation/tool nose radius compensation)
cnc_rdlenofs Read internal position compensation data(tool length compensation)
cnc_rdfixcycle Read internal position compensation data(canned cycle)(canned cycle)
cnc_rdcdrotate Read internal position compensation data(coordinate rotation)
cnc_rd3dcdcnv Read internal position compensation data(3-D coordinate conversion)
cnc_rdmirimage Read internal position compensation data(programmable mirror image)
cnc_rdscaling Read internal position compensation data(scaling)
cnc_rd3dtofs Read internal position compensation data(3-D tool compensation)
cnc_rdposofs Read internal position compensation data(tool position compensation)
cnc_rdsyssoft Read series/version of CNC system software
cnc_rdsyssoft2 Read series/version of CNC system software (2)
cnc_rdsyssoft3 Read series/version of CNC system software (3)
cnc_rdsyshard Read of CNC hardware configuration
cnc_rdmdlconfig Read module configuration of CNC system
cnc_rdmdlconfig2 Read module configuration of CNC system (2)
cnc_gettimer Get calendar timer of CNC
cnc_settimer Set calendar timer of CNC
cnc_rdtimer Get timer data of CNC
cnc_wrtimer Set timer data of CNC
cnc_reset CNC reset
cnc_reset2 CNC reset (2)
cnc_clralm Clear CNC alarm
cnc_getfrominfo Read F-ROM information on CNC
cnc_fromgetstart Start of reading F-ROM data from CNC
cnc_fromget Read F-ROM data from CNC
cnc_fromgetend End of reading F-ROM data from CNC
cnc_fromputstart Start of writing F-ROM data to CNC
cnc_fromput Write F-ROM data to CNC
cnc_fromputend End of writing F-ROM data to CNC
cnc_fromremove Delete F-ROM data on CNC
cnc_getsraminfo Read S-RAM information on CNC
cnc_sramgetstart Start of reading S-RAM data from CNC
cnc_sramget Read S-RAM data from CNC
cnc_sramgetend End of reading S-RAM data from CNC
cnc_getlockstat Get state of NC data protection
cnc_chgprotbit Set state of NC data protection
cnc_rdcexesram Read SRAM variable area for C language executor
cnc_wrcexesram Write SRAM variable area for C language executor
cnc_cexesramsize Read maximum size of SRAM variable area for C language executor
cnc_rdetherinfo Read Ethernet board information
cnc_rdcoordnum Read additional workpiece coordinate systems number
cnc_rdrepeatval Read the repeat counter
cnc_rdrepeatval_ext Read the repeat counter(2)
cnc_rdpm_mcnitem Read machine specific maintenance item for periodic maintenance
cnc_wrpm_mcnitem Write machine specific maintenance item for periodic maintenance
cnc_rdpm_cncitem Read cnc maintenance item for periodic maintenance
cnc_rdpm_item Read maintenance item status for periodic maintenance
cnc_wrpm_item Write maintenance item status for periodic maintenance
cnc_getlanguage Get CNC display language
cnc_rdcncid Read the CNC ID number

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Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_adcnv

Reads the A/D conversion data. The A/D conversion data is stored in data of ODBAD.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_adcnv

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_alarm

Reads the alarm status of CNC. Various information is stored in data of ODBALM. This function is used for watching CNC's alarm... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_alarm

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_alarm2

Reads the alarm status of CNC. This function is the improved version of the... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_alarm2

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_cexesramsize

Reads the maximum size of the SRAM variable area for C language executor. The maximum size is read by the unit of byte.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_cexesramsize

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_chgprotbit

Sets the state of various NC data protection (protection pattern data). The protection pattern data is bit pattern data which collects flags corresponding to... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_chgprotbit

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_clralm

Clears the CNC alarm state specified by id.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_clralm

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_diagnosr

Reads the diagnosis data specified by s_number,e_number,axis(only for the diagnosis data with axis). The data format depends on each diagnosis data. The... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_diagnosr

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_diagnoss

Reads the diagnosis specified by number,axis (only for the diagnosis with axis). The data format depends on each diagnosis. The format of Byte/Word/2-Word... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_diagnoss

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_fromget

Reads the F-ROM data from CNC. After F-ROM data reading, execute... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_fromget

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_fromgetend

Indicates the termination of reading the F-ROM data from CNC.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_fromgetend

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_fromgetstart

Indicates the start of reading the F-ROM data from CNC. However, the system control software cannot be... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_fromgetstart

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_fromput

Writes the F-ROM data to CNC. After F-ROM data writing, execute... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_fromput

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_fromputend

Indicates the termination of writing the F-ROM data to CNC. This function waits until the termination of writing process of the F-ROM data on CNC.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_fromputend

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_fromputstart

Indicates the start of writing the F-ROM data to CNC. The data which can be written in F-ROM is system data (CNC Control software... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_fromputstart

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_fromremove

Deletes the System data from F-ROM on CNC. However, the system control software cannot be deleted in the Ethernet version.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_fromremove

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_getdtailerr

Gets the detailed error information after the function has been executed. The detailed error information is stored in err_no, err_dtno of... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_getdtailerr

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_getfigure

Reads the maximum valid figures and the number of decimal places under the input/output unit, which is related to various data of CNC. The... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_getfigure

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_getfrominfo

Reads the various information of F-ROM on CNC. The various information is stored in each member of ODBFINFORM.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_getfrominfo

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_getlanguage

The display language of NC is acquired.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_getlanguage

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_getlockstat

Gets the present state of various NC data protection.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_getlockstat

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_getpath

Reads the current selected path number which is the target path of the Data window functions.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_getpath

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_getsraminfo

Reads the various information of S-RAM on CNC. The various information is stored in each member of ODBSINFO.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_getsraminfo

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_gettimer

Gets the date or time data from the calendar timer device of the CNC unit.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_gettimer

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_modal

Reads the modal information of CNC. Various information is stored in each member of ODBMDL. The readable modal data are modal G code or commanded data... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_modal

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rd3dcdcnv

Reads the mode and data of the 3-dimensional coordinate conversion. These are stored in each member of ODB3DCD structure. The... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rd3dcdcnv

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rd3dtofs

Reads the mode and vector of the 3-dimensional tool compensation. These are stored in each member of ODB3DTO structure. The places of decimal... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rd3dtofs

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdalminfo

Reads the detailed information of currently arising CNC alarms. Various information is stored in data of ALMINFO. This function is... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdalminfo

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdalmmsg

Reads the currently arising CNC alarm messages. All alarm messages can be read at once. Differing from... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdalmmsg

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdalmmsg2

Reads the currently arising CNC alarm messages. All alarm messages can be read at once. Differing from... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdalmmsg2

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdbrstrinfo

Reads the data of block restart. These are stored in each member of ODBBRS structure. The destination and the distance to go of block restart are valid... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdbrstrinfo

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdcdrotate

Reads the mode and data of the coordinate rotation. These are stored in each member of ODBROT structure. The places of decimal points can be got by... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdcdrotate

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdcexesram

Reads the SRAM variable area for C language executor specified by offset, length. When this function accesses this area, exclusive control with the C... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdcexesram

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdcncid

Reads the CNC ID number. The CNC ID numbers are stored in cncid with unsigned binary format.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdcncid

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdcommand

Reads the commanded data of CNC. Various information is stored in each member of ODBCMD. The readable data are the modal data except G code, and the... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdcommand

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdcoordnum

Reads the number of the additional workpiece coordinate systems of the workpiece coordinate systems.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdcoordnum

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rddiaginfo

Reads the CNC diagnosis data information specified by s_number and read_no. The CNC diagnosis data is basically non-continuous, and the attribute like... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rddiaginfo

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rddiagnum

Reads minimum, maximum, total number of the CNC diagnosis data. The distribution of the diagnosis data is different in each CNC model, and the new diagnosis... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rddiagnum

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rddiag_ext

Reads the random number diagnosis data. The diagnosis data numbers are specified by the array of long type (prm_no[]). And the number of the array is specified... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rddiag_ext

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdetherinfo

Reads the Ethernet board inforamtion in CNC.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdetherinfo

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdfixcycle

Reads the mode and data of the canned cycle. These are stored in each member of ODBFIX structure. The places of decimal points can be got by... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdfixcycle

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdgcode

Reads the information of CNC about the commanded G code. Various information is stored in each member of ODBGCD. The readable data are modal G code and one... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdgcode

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdlenofs

Reads the mode and vector of the tool length compensation. These are stored in each member of ODBLOFS structure. The places of decimal... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdlenofs

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdmdlconfig

Reads the module configuration of CNC system. These information are stored in each member of ODBMDLC. Reading the data which depends on the path... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdmdlconfig

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdmdlconfig2

Reads the module configuration of CNC system.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdmdlconfig2

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdmenuswitch

Reads the menu switch signals.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdmenuswitch

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdmirimage

Reads the mode of the programmable mirror image and the absolute position of center of mirror image. These are stored in each member of ODBMIR... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdmirimage

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdopmsg

Reads the contents of the operator's message in CNC. The operator's message is stored in data of OPMSG.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdopmsg

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdopmsg2

Reads the contents of the operator's message in CNC. The operator's message is stored in data of OPMSG2. This function can be used in... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdopmsg2

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdopmsg3

Reads the contents of the operator's message in CNC. The operator's message is stored in data of opmsg.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdopmsg3

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdopnlgnrl

Reads the general output signal image of software operator's panel.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdopnlgnrl

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdopnlgsname

Reads the general signal name of software operator's panel.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdopnlgsname

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdopnlsgnl

Reads the output signal image of software operator's panel.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdopnlsgnl

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdpm_cncitem

Reads the item name relating the cnc specified by the item index.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdpm_cncitem

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdpm_item

Reads all data specified by the item index. The acquired data is as follows. - Name - Life count... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdpm_item

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdpm_mcnitem

Reads the item name relating the machine specified by the item index.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdpm_mcnitem

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdposofs

Reads the mode and vector of the tool position compensation. These are stored in each member of ODBPOFS structure. The... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdposofs

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdprstrinfo

Reads the program restart information. The program restart information is stored in each member of ODBPRS.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdprstrinfo

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdradofs

Reads the mode and vector of the cutter compensation(tool nose radius compensation). These are stored in each member of... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdradofs

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdrepeatval

Get the counter of the subprogram call and the repeat for fixed cycle. In case of subprogram call, the remainder counter is acquired.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdrepeatval

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdrepeatval_ext

Get the counter of the subprogram call and the repeat for fixed cycle. The total repetition number and the remainder counter are... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdrepeatval_ext

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdscaling

Reads the mode and data of the scaling. These are stored in each member of ODBSCL structure. The places of... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdscaling

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdsyshard

Reads the hardware configuration of CNC. These information are stored in each member of ODBSYSH. The 25... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdsyshard

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdsyssoft

Reads the series/version of CNC system software. These information are stored in each member of ODBSYSS. Reading the data which depends on the path needs... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdsyssoft

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdsyssoft2

Reads the series/version of CNC system software. These information are stored in each member of ODBSYSS2. This function can read data which... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdsyssoft2

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdsyssoft3

Reads the series/version of CNC system software. These information are stored in each member of ODBSYSS3. This function can read the series/version... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdsyssoft3

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdtimer

Gets cutting time, cycle time, and other timer data of CNC.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rdtimer

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_reset

Executes the external reset of CNC.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_reset

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_reset2

CNC is reset. When this function is executed, reset is executed to all paths or the path selected bt CNC... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_reset2

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rstrseqsrch

Searches the sequence number for program restart.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rstrseqsrch

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rstrseqsrch2

Searches the sequence number for program restart.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_rstrseqsrch2

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_setpath

Selects the path number which is the target path in the multi-path system or system with loader control. All Data window library functions input... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_setpath

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_settimer

Sets the date or time data to the calendar timer device of the CNC unit.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_settimer

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_sramget

Reads the S-RAM data from CNC. The SRAM data which was read by this function should be restored by using the Boot function.(The SRAM... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_sramget

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_sramgetend

Indicates the termination of reading the S-RAM data from CNC.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_sramgetend

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_sramgetstart

Indicates the start of reading the S-RAM data from CNC.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_sramgetstart

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_statinfo

Reads the status information of CNC. The various information is stored in each member of ODBST.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_statinfo

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_statinfo2

Reads the status information of CNC. The various information is stored in each member of ODBST2.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_statinfo2

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_sysconfig

Reads the CNC system configuration information. Various information is stored in each member of ODBSYSC. This function cannot be... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_sysconfig

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_sysinfo

Reads system information such as kind of CNC system, Machining(M) or Turning(T), series and version of CNC system software and number of the controlled axes.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_sysinfo

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_sysinfo_ex

Reads system information such as distinction of Machining(M) or Turning(T), number of path and number of the controlled axes.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_sysinfo_ex

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_wrcexesram

Writes the SRAM variable area for C language executor specified by offset, length. When this function accesses this area, exclusive control with the... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_wrcexesram

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_wrmenuswitch

Writes the menu switch signals.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_wrmenuswitch

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_wropnlgnrl

Writes the general output signal of software operator's panel.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_wropnlgnrl

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_wropnlgsname

Writes the general signal name of software operator's panel.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_wropnlgsname

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_wropnlsgnl

Writes the output signal of software operator's panel.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_wropnlsgnl

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_wrpm_item

Writes all data specified by the item index. The acquired data is as follows. - Name - Life count... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_wrpm_item

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_wrpm_mcnitem

Writes the item name relating the machine specified by the item index.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_wrpm_mcnitem

Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_wrtimer

Sets cutting time, cycle time, and other timer data of CNC.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Misc | cnc_wrtimer
Modified: 2023-12-05