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Sets the parameters for Ethernet function : Fast Ethernet board, Fast DATA SERVER board

MTConnect Fanuc Adapter

Universal Fanuc Driver

Fanuc Focas Library CD


#include "fwlib32.h" or "fwlib64.h"

FWLIBAPI short WINAPI eth_wrparam(unsigned short FlibHndl, short type, IN_ETHPRMFLAG *flag, IN_ETHPRM *param);


FlibHndl   [ in ]

Specify the library handle. See "Library handle" for details.

type   [ in ]
Specify the kind of parameters.
Kind of parameter is as follows.
Embedded Ethernet[Internal port]
1 :Common parameter
2 :FOCAS2/Ethernet parameter
3 :FTP Transfer parameter
Embedded Ethernet[PCMCIA LAN Card]
21 :Common parameter
22 :FOCAS2/Ethernet parameter
23 :FTP Transfer parameter
Fast Ethernet board or Fast DATA SERVER board
41 :Common parameter
42 :FOCAS2/Ethernet parameter
44 :DATA SERVER parameter
flag   [ in ]
Specify a pointer to the IN_ETHPRMFLAG structure for that marks an element of the setting parameters.
The IN_ETHPRMFLAG structure is as follows.

typedef struct _in_ethprm_flag {
    union {
        COMMON_PRM_FLG      common;
        FOCAS2_PRM_FLG      focas2;
        FTPTRANS_PRM_FLG    ftpTrans;
        DTSVR_PRM_FLG       dataServer;
    } flg;

typedef struct _common_prm_flg {
    char    OwnIpAddress;
    char    SubNetmask;
    char    RouterIpAddress;
    char    DnsServer1IpAddress;
    char    DnsServer2IpAddress;
    char    OwnHostName;
    char    OwnDomain;

typedef struct _focas2_prm_flg {
    char    TcpPort;
    char    UdpPort;
    char    TimeInterval;

typedef struct _ftptrans_prm_flg {
    FTP_CLIENT_PRM_FLG  opposite[3];

typedef struct _dtsvr_prm_flg {
    FTP_CLIENT_PRM_FLG  opposite[3];

typedef struct _ftp_client_prm_flg {
    char    HostName;
    char    ControlPort;
    char    Dummy;
    char    UserName;
    char    Password;
    char    LoginDirectory;

typedef struct _ftp_server_prm_flg {
    char    UserName;
    char    Password;
    char    LoginDirectory;

Set a substitue value to 1. If that valuses are 0(zero), it is not able to set on the IN_ETHPRM structure.
param   [ in ]
Specify a pointer to IN_ETHPRM structure to store the setting parameter.
The IN_ETHPRM structure is as follows.

typedef struct _in_ethprm {
    short   reserve01;
    short   reserve02;
    short   reserve03;
    short   reserve04;
    short   reserve05;
    short   reserve06;
    union {
        COMMON_PRM      common;
        FOCAS2_PRM      focas2;
        FTPTRANS_PRM    ftpTrans;
        DTSVR_PRM2      dataServer;
    } prm;

typedef struct _common_prm {
    char    OwnMacAddress[13];
    char    OwnIpAddress[40];
    char    SubNetmask[16];
    char    RouterIpAddress[40];
    char    DnsServer1IpAddress[40];
    char    DnsServer2IpAddress[40];
    char    OwnHostName[32];
    char    OwnDomain[63];
} COMMON_PRM;   /* Common parameter */

typedef struct _focas2_prm {
    unsigned long   TcpPort;
    unsigned long   UdpPort;
    unsigned long   TimeInterval;
} FOCAS2_PRM;   /* Parameter for FOCAS2/Ethernet */

typedef struct _ftptrans_prm {
    FTP_CLIENT_PRM  opposite[3];
} FTPTRANS_PRM; /* Parameter for FTP transfer */

typedef struct _dtsvr_prm {
    FTP_CLIENT_PRM  opposite[3];
    FTP_SERVER_PRM  own;
} DTSVR_PRM;    /* Parameter for DATA SERVER */

typedef struct _ftp_client_prm {
    char            HostName[64];
    unsigned long   ControlPort;
    unsigned long   Dummy;
    char            UserName[32];
    char            Password[32];
    char            LoginDirectory[128];

typedef struct _ftp_server_prm {
    char            UserName[32];
    char            Password[32];
    char            LoginDirectory[128];

These variables are unable to use.
The input values on these variables are ignored on this function.
IP Address
The Ascii string less than 40 characters which is included NULL.
Ex) ""
Subnet mask
The Ascii string less than 16 characters which is included NULL.
Ex) ""
Router's IP Address
The Ascii string less than 40 characters which is included NULL.
Ex) ""
Dns Server IP Address
The Ascii string less than 40 characters which is included NULL.
Ex) ""
Alternative Dns Server IP Address
The Ascii string less than 40 characters whic ish included NULL.
Ex) ""
Host Name on CNC
The Ascii string less than 32 characters which is included NULL.
However, max size is 64 characters which is added OwnHostName length to OwnDomain length.
Ex) "cnc"
Domain name
The Ascii string less than 63 characters which is included NULL.
However, max size is 64 characters which add OwnHostName length to OwnDomain length.
Ex) "factory"
Port number for TCP
Used by FOCAS2/Ethernet
Range 5001,..,65534 or 0
Ex) 8193
Port number for UDP
Range 5001,..,65535 or 0
Ex) 8192
Time interval which is transfered by broardcast frame (Unit:10ms)
Range 10,..,65535 or 0
Ex) 50
Host name or IP address which is assigned to FTP server.
The Ascii string less than 64 characters which included NULL.
n range(0,..,2)
0 :Connection one
1 :Connection two
2 :Connection three
Ex) "ftp.factory" or ""
Control port number which is assigned to FTP server.
n range(0,..,2)
0 :Connection one
1 :Connection two
2 :Connection three
Range 1,..,65535
Ex) 21
User name to login the FTP server.
The Ascii string less than 32 characters which is included NULL.
n range(0,..,2)
0 :Connection one
1 :Connection two
2 :Connection three
Ex) "user"
Password to login the FTP server.
n range(0,..,2)
0 :Connection one
1 :Connection two
2 :Connection three
Ex) "user1234"
Folder name which is able to login the FTP server.
The Ascii string less than 128 characters which is included NULL.
n range 0,..,2
0 :Connection one
1 :Connection two
2 :Connection three
Ex) "/ncdata"
Host name or IP address which is assigned to DATA SERVER.
The Ascii string less than 64 characters which is included NULL.
n range(0,..,2)
0 :Connection one
1 :Connection two
2 :Connection three
Ex) "ftp.factory" or ""
Control port number which is assigned to DATA SERVER.
n range(0,..,2)
0 :Connection one
1 :Connection two
2 :Connection three
Range 1,..,65535
Ex) 21
User name to login the DATA SERVER.
The Ascii string less than 32 characters which is included NULL.
n range(0,..,2)
0 :Connection one
1 :Connection two
2 :Connection three
Ex) "user"
Password which is assigned to DATA SERVER.
n range(0,..,2)
0 :Connection one
1 :Connection two
2 :Connection three
Ex) "user1234"
Folder name which can be able to login the DATA SERVER.
The Ascii string less than 128 characters which is included NULL.
n range(0,..,2)
0 :Connection one
1 :Connection two
2 :Connection three
Ex) "/ncdata"
User name which FTP client is able to login.
The Ascii string less than 32 characters which is included NULL.
Ex) "user"
Password which FTP client is able to login.
The Ascii string less than 32 characters which is included NULL.
Ex) "user1234"
Folder name which FTP client is able to login.
The Ascii string less than 128 characters which is included NULL.
Ex) "/ncdata"


EW_OK is returned on successful completion, otherwise any value except EW_OK is returned.

The major error codes are as follows.

Return code Meaning/Error handling
No option
In order to get more information for this err_no return value, execute cnc_getdtailerr() function.
The following details status will be set onto the member, err_no of ODBERR structure.
20:Embedded Ethernet is not available.
22:The option board is not available.
23:Ethernet Function is not available.
24:The DATA SERVER function is not available.
25:Buffer mode is not available.
26:ATA card is not found.
Function Error
The acquisition of the parameter etc. is failed.
In order to get more information for this err_no return value, execute cnc_getdtailerr() function.
The following details status will be set onto the member, err_no of ODBERR structure.
10:Reading from File SRAM is failed.
Protection Error
The writing to the parameter is failed.
In order to get more information for this err_no return value, execute cnc_getdtailerr() function.
The following details status will be set onto the member, err_no of ODBERR structure.
11:Writing to File SRAM is failed.
13:The DHCP function is effective.
Data error
In order to get more information for this err_no return value, execute cnc_getdtailerr() function.
The following details status will be set onto the member, err_no of ODBERR structure.
2:Out of range.
3:Data format error.
The following details status will be set onto the member, err_dtno of ODBERR structure.
1 :The kind(type) of parameter is wrong.
101 :prm.common.OwnIpAddress is wrong.
102 :prm.common.SubNetmask is wrong.
103 :prm.common.RouterIpAddress is wrong.
104 :prm.common.DnsServer1IpAddress is wrong.
105 :prm.common.DnsServer2IpAddress is wrong.
106 :prm.common.OwnHostName is wrong.
107 :prm.common.OwnDomain is wrong.
201 :prm.focas2.TcpPort is wrong.
202 :prm.focas2.UdpPort is wrong.
203 :prm.focas2.TimeInterval is wrong.
301 :The range of host number is wrong.
302 :DATA SERVER mode is wrong.
3[i+1]1:prm.dataServer.opposite[i].HostName is wrong.
In case of i=0
311:The meaning of prm.dataServer.opposite[0](i=0-2)
3[i+1]2:prm.dataServer.opposite[i].ControlPort is wrong.
3[i+1]3:prm.dataServer.opposite[i].Dummy is wrong.
3[i+1]4:prm.dataServer.opposite[i].UserName is wrong.
3[i+1]5:prm.dataServer.opposite[i].Password is wrong.
3[i+1]6:prm.dataServer.opposite[i].LoginDirectory is wrong.
344 :prm.dataServer.own.UserName is wrong.
345 :prm.dataServer.own.Password is wrong.
346 :prm.dataServer.own.LoginDirectory is wrong.
3[i+5]1:prm.ftpTrans.opposite[i].HostName is wrong.
In case of i=0
351:The meaning of prm.ftpTrans.opposite[0](i=0-2)
3[i+5]2:prm.ftpTrans.opposite[i].ControlPort is wrong.
3[i+5]3:prm.ftpTrans.opposite[i].Dummy is worng.
3[i+5]4:prm.ftpTrans.opposite[i].UserName is wrong.
3[i+5]5:prm.ftpTrans.opposite[i].Password is wrong.
3[i+5]6:prm.ftpTrans.opposite[i].LoginDirectory is wrong.

As for the other return codes or the details, see "Return status of Data window function"

CNC option

For HSSB connection,

    The DATA SERVER function and the extended driver/library function are necessary.

CNC parameter

This function is not related to CNC parameter.

CNC mode

This function can be used in any CNC mode.

Available CNC

0i-A 0i-B/C(Note) 0i-D 0i-F 15 15i 16 18 21 16i-A 18i-A 21i-A 16i-B 18i-B 21i-B 30i-A 30i-B
M (Machining)X X H O X X X X X X X X X X X H O
T (Turning) X X H O X - X X X X X X X X X H O
LC (Loader) - - - - - - X X X X X X X X X - -

P (Punch press)H H X X - H
L (Laser) - - X - - H
W (Wire) - - X X X X

Power Mate i-DX
Power Mate i-HX
Power Motion i-AX

"O" : Both Ethernet and HSSB
"E" : Ethernet
"H" : HSSB
"X" : Cannot be used
"-" : None

Note) 0i-C does not support the HSSB function.

See Also


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Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_clrmsgbuff

Clears the receive buffer or the transmit buffer.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_clrmsgbuff

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dschdir

DATA SERVER Changing a current folder of the ATA card with DATA SERVER function. DATA SERVER Host... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dschdir

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dscopyfile

Copying a file in the ATA card with DATA SERVER function.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dscopyfile

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dsftpcancel

This function is used to cancel the following operetions.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dsftpcancel

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dsftpstat

The execution result(EW_OK/EW_DTSRVR) of the following function can be taken out only at once.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dsftpstat

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dsget_req

Directs to GET a file to from a host computer at DATA SERVER. When this function is normally ended, it starts getting files from host... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dsget_req

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dslistdel_req

According to the list which exists in the ATA card of DATA SERVER functon, two or more files are deleted. When this function carries... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dslistdel_req

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dslistget_req

According to the list file which exists in the connection host of DATA SERVER function, the file transfer of two or more files is continuously carried... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dslistget_req

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dslistput_req

According to the list file which exists in the ATA card of DATA SERVER function ,the file transfer of two or more files is carried out to a connection... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dslistput_req

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dsmget_req

It directs to MGET a file from a host computer to DATA SERVER. A wild card can be used for a file name and the file transfer of two or... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dsmget_req

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dsmkdir

DATA SERVER A new folder is created to the current folder of the ATA card of DATA SERVER function. DATA SERVER... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dsmkdir

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dsmput_req

It directs to MPUT a file to a host computer from DATA SERVER. A wild card can be used for a file name and the file transfer of two or... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dsmput_req

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dsput_req

Directs to PUT a file to a host computer to DATA SERVER. When this function is normally ended, it starts putting files from host... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dsput_req

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dsremove

DATA SERVER The file in the current folder of the ATA card of DATA SERVER function delete. DATA SERVER Host... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dsremove

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dsrename

DATA SERVER Changing the file or folder name which exist in the current folder of the ATA card of DATA SERVER... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dsrename

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dsrmdir

DATA SERVER The folder in the current folder of the ATA card of DATA SERVER function delete. DATA SERVER... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dsrmdir

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvchkdsk

Checks the hard disk on the DATA SERVER whether there is an error sector etc. or not. If this function is executed while... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvchkdsk

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvcnclupdn

Cancels the following if it is being executed. - Download from DATA SERVER to CNC - Upload from CNC to... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvcnclupdn

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvdelete

Deletes the file in the DATA SERVER. If this function is executed while... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvdelete

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvdownload

Orders the CNC to download the file from the DATA SERVER. Therefore, normal termination of this function shows that downloading the file from the DATA SERVER... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvdownload

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvftpget

Orders the DATA SERVER to get file from the host computer. Therefore, normal termination of this function shows that getting the file from the host computer... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvftpget

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvftpput

Orders the DATA SERVER to put file to the host computer. Therefore, normal termination of this function shows that putting the file to the host computer has... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvftpput

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvftpstat

The execution result of cnc_dtsvftpput ,... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvftpstat

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvgetdncpg

Gets the file name for DNC operation in the DATA SERVER.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvgetdncpg

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvgetmode

Gets the current mode of the DATA SERVER(storage mode/buffer mode).... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvgetmode

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvhdformat

Formats the hard disk on the DATA SERVER. If this function is executed while... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvhdformat

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvmntinfo

Reads the following maintenance information for the DATA SERVER. This is the function for purposes of maintenance.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvmntinfo

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvrdcram

Reads the contents of the interface buffer for the DATA SERVER. This is the function for purposes of maintenance.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvrdcram

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvrderrmsg

Reads the message of the error occurred in the DATA SERVER.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvrderrmsg

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvrdfile

Transfers file from DATA SERVER to hard disk on personal computer. This function is effective for the DATA SERVER board(10BASE-T), and... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvrdfile

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvrdpgdir

Reads the directory information in the DATA SERVER. If this function is executed while... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvrdpgdir

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvrdset

Reads the setting data in the DATA SERVER. If this function is executed while... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvrdset

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvsavecram

Saves the contents of the interface buffer for the DATA SERVER to the file by the name of COMMON.RAM in the hard disk of the DATA SERVER.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvsavecram

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvsetdncpg

Sets the file name for DNC operation in the DATA SERVER.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvsetdncpg

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvsetmode

Sets the current mode of the DATA SERVER(storage mode/buffer mode). If the mode of the DATA SERVER is changed, all the data in hard disk of the DATA... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvsetmode

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvupdnstat

The execution result of cnc_dtsvdownload ,... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvupdnstat

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvupload

Orders the CNC to upload the file to the DATA SERVER. Therefore, normal termination of this function shows that uploading the file to the DATA SERVER has been... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvupload

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvwrfile

Transfers file from hard disk on personal computer to DATA SERVER. This function is effective for the DATA SERVER board(10BASE-T), and 16i/18i/21i, 0i.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvwrfile

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvwrset

Writes the setting data in the DATA SERVER. If this function is executed while... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_dtsvwrset

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_rdcomlogmsg

Reads logging message for DNC2.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_rdcomlogmsg

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_rdcomopemsg

Reads operator's message for DNC1,DNC2.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_rdcomopemsg

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_rdcomparam

Reads communication parameters for DNC1, DNC2 or OSI-Ethernet function.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_rdcomparam

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_rddncfname

Reads the name of the file in the host computer for DNC operation using DNC1, DNC2 or OSI-Ethernet function.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_rddncfname

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_rddsdevinfo

All the number of pages , the use number of pages, the total number of entries, and the numberof use entries are taken out from an ATA... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_rddsdevinfo

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_rddsdir

DATA SERVER The current folder name of the ATA card of DATA SERVER function is taken out with a full path.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_rddsdir

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_rddsdncfile

DATA SERVER The file name set to DNC operation at the time of the Storage mode of DATA SERVER function is taken out with... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_rddsdncfile

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_rddsfile

DATA SERVER The list of the files in the current folder of DATA SERVER function (a sub folder is included) is taken out.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_rddsfile

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_rdrcvmsg

Reads contents of the receive buffer in which received message is stored. When this function is called, receipt status in CNC is... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_rdrcvmsg

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_rdrcvstat

Obtains receipt status of message for OSI-Ethernet. The receipt status becomes ON when CNC receives a message for OSI-Ethernet, and becomes OFF when... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_rdrcvstat

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_rdsndmsg

Reads contents of the transmit buffer in which transmitted message is stored.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_rdsndmsg

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_sendmessage

Sends message to the host computer.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_sendmessage

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_wrcomparam

Writes communication parameters for DNC1,DNC2 or OSI-Ethernet function. When communication parameters are written to OSI-Ethernet board... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_wrcomparam

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_wrdncfname

Writes the name of the file in the host computer for DNC operation using DNC1, DNC2 or OSI-Ethernet function.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_wrdncfname

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_wrdsdncfile

DATA SERVER The file for DNC operation at the time of the storage mode of DATA SERVER function is set up. DATA... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | cnc_wrdsdncfile

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_cancel

The execution of the function for the following DATA SERVER is stopped.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_cancel

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_checkhdd

Whether a defective sector exists in the hard disk is checked.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_checkhdd

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_chghdddir

Change the work directory(current directory) of hard disk in the DATA SERVER. This function is available even to Fast Ethernet.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_chghdddir

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_copyhddfile

The file in the hard disk of the DATA SERVER is copied. In this function, the control returns to the application without only requesting the copy of the file... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_copyhddfile

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_delhdddir

Delete the directory in the hard disk of the DATA SERVER.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_delhdddir

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_delhddfile

The file in the hard drive of the DATA SERVER is deleted. The some files can be deleted simultaneously by specifying wild-card(*,?). In this function,... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_delhddfile

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_delhostfile

Delete the file of host computer. The wild-card(*, ?) cannot be used to specify the name.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_delhostfile

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_download

Outputs data to be registered(downloading). This function is only for Fast Ethernet board. This function is not supported at Embedded... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_download

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_dwnend

Notifies the end of downloading data to CNC. (This function must be executed after... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_dwnend

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_dwnstart

Requests CNC to start downloading. (This function must be executed before... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_dwnstart

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_formathdd

The hard disk is formatted(initialization).... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_formathdd

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_gethostfile

The file of the host computer is transferred to the hard disk of the DATA SERVER according to the get command of the FTP.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_gethostfile

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_ldelhddfile

The files in the hard disk of the DATA SERVER are deleted according to the list file. The wild-card(*, ?)... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_ldelhddfile

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_lgethostfile

The files in the host computer are transferred to the hard disk of the DATA SERVER by the processing of FTP according to the... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_lgethostfile

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_lputhddfile

The files in the hard disk of the DATA SERVER are transferred to the host computer by the processing of FTP according to the... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_lputhddfile

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_makehdddir

Make the directory in the hard disk of the DATA SERVER.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_makehdddir

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_mgethostfile

The files of the host computer are transferred to the hard disk of the DATA SERVER according to the mget command of the... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_mgethostfile

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_mputhddfile

The files in the hard disk of the DATA SERVER are transferred to the host computer according to the mput command of the... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_mputhddfile

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_puthddfile

The file in the hard disk of the DATA SERVER is transferred to the host computer side according to the put command of the FTP. The wild-card(*, ?) cannot... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_puthddfile

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_rddnchddfile

The file name which includes the PATH name in the hard disk which is setted for the DNC operation are acquired.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_rddnchddfile

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_rddnchostfile

The connected host number and the file name in host computer for the DNC operation is acquired.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_rddnchostfile

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_rdfile

Transfers file from DATA SERVER to hard disk on personal computer. This function is effective in only 16i/18i/21i. and, this function... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_rdfile

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_rdhdddir

Get the file information at each file. The following information is acquired at each file. - File name... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_rdhdddir

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_rdhddinfo

Get the information of hard disk of DATA SERVER. The following information can be acquired. - The remainder capacity of hard disk.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_rdhddinfo

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_rdhostdir

Get the file information of host computer.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_rdhostdir

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_rdhostdir2

Get the number of files and file information of login directory on the host computer. Information acquired in... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_rdhostdir2

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_rdhostinfo

Get the information of login directory of the host computer. The following information is acquired.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_rdhostinfo

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_rdhostno

Get the host number of the connected host computer.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_rdhostno

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_rdm198hdddir

The work directory for the M198(subprogram call) is acquired.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_rdm198hdddir

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_rdm198host

Connected host number for the M198(subprogram call) is acquired.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_rdm198host

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_rdmntinfo

The data for troubleshooting is acquired as maintenance information for the file transfer between the DATA SERVER and CNC.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_rdmntinfo

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_rdmode

Get the mode for the DATA SERVER.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_rdmode

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_rdncfile

The NC program is inputted from the hard drive to the NC. Storage mode : To CNC memory from hard disk(or ATA) of DATA SERVER... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_rdncfile

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_rdncfile2

The NC program is inputted from the hard drive to the NC. Storage mode : To CNC memory from hard disk(or ATA) of DATA SERVER... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_rdncfile2

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_rdresult

Get the execution result of the function for the following DATA SERVER.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_rdresult

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_renhddfile

The file name in the hard disk of the DATA SERVER is changed.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_renhddfile

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_searchresult

Gets the result of ds_searchword function.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_searchresult

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_searchword

The string of the NC program in DATA SERVER at the running of M198/DNC in MEM/RMT mode is searched. The result of search can... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_searchword

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_wrdnchddfile

The file name in the hard disk of the DATA SERVER for DNC operation is set. The current work directory is... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_wrdnchddfile

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_wrdnchostfile

The file name of the host computer for DNC operation is set. The current connected host computer is set... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_wrdnchostfile

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_wrfile

Transfers file from hard disk on personal computer to DATA SERVER. This function is effective in only 16i/18i/21i. and, this function... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_wrfile

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_wrhostno

The host computer which works the FTP server which becomes the other party of the communication of the DATA SERVER is changed.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_wrhostno

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_wrm198hdddir

The work directory for the M198(subprogram call) is set. The current directory in the hard disk of the... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_wrm198hdddir

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_wrm198host

Connected host number for the M198(subprogram call) is set. The connected host of now becomes the host for... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_wrm198host

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_wrmode

Set the mode for the DATA SERVER. The mode of the DATA SERVER which can be set is shown as follows.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_wrmode

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_wrncfile

The NC program is outputted from the NC to the hard drive. Storage mode : To hard disk(or ATA) of DATA SERVER from CNC... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | ds_wrncfile

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | etb_rderrmsg

Get the error message which occurred in the Ethernet board. This function acquires the error message of the Ethernet board... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | etb_rderrmsg

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | etb_rdparam

Get the parameter of ethernet board. The following parameter can be acquired by this function.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | etb_rdparam

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | etb_wrparam

Set the parameter for Ethernet board. The following parameter can be set to the Ethernet board. Parameter... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | etb_wrparam

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | eth_clrlog

Clear the logs for Ethernet function : Embedded Ethernet[Internal port ,PCMCIA Card], Fast Ethernet board, Fast DATA SERVER board, Windows CE... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | eth_clrlog

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | eth_dschkdsk

Check disk of ATA card on DATA SERVER.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | eth_dschkdsk

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | eth_dsformat

Format ATA card on DATA SERVER.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | eth_dsformat

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | eth_rddsformat

Get the format of ATA card on DATA SERVER.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | eth_rddsformat

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | eth_rddsm198dir

Get the work folder for the M198 on DATA SERVER using Strage mode.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | eth_rddsm198dir

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | eth_rddsm198host

Get the connected host number and work folder for the M198 on DATA SERVER using FTP mode.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | eth_rddsm198host

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | eth_rddsmode

Get the all channel modes on DATA SERVER.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | eth_rddsmode

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | eth_rddsstate

Get each path of maintenance information on DATA SERVER.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | eth_rddsstate

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | eth_rdhost

Get the host number selected current Ethernet function.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | eth_rdhost

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | eth_rdlog

MTConnect Fanuc Adapter... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | eth_rdlog

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | eth_rdparam

Get the parameters for Ethernet function : Fast Ethernet board, Fast DATA SERVER... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | eth_rdparam

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | eth_wrdsm198dir

Set the work folder for the M198 on DATA SERVER using Strage mode.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | eth_wrdsm198dir

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | eth_wrdsm198host

Set the connected host number and work folder for the M198 on DATA SERVER using FTP mode.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | eth_wrdsm198host

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | eth_wrdsmode

Change the mode for DATA SERVER function.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | eth_wrdsmode

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | eth_wrhost

Set the host number selected Ethernet function.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | eth_wrhost

Fanuc Focas Library | Data | flist_Data

CNC: Function Reference related to data server,DNC1,DNC2,OSI-Ethernet... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | Data | flist_Data
Modified: 2023-12-05