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Reads various data which changes at CNC operation at a time.

This function is the improved version of the cnc_rddynamic function. Please use this function because the cnc_rddynamic function cannot read all alarm status of Series 15i. The data which can be read is as follows.

Data Function used for reading individually
Alarm status cnc_alarm2
Program number in executing cnc_rdprgnum
Program number of the main program cnc_rdprgnum
Sequence number cnc_rdseqnum
Actual feed rate cnc_actf
Actual spindle speed cnc_acts
Absolute position data of controlled axis (2) cnc_absolute2
Machine position data of controlled axis cnc_machine
Relative position data of controlled axis (2) cnc_relative2
Amount of distance to go of controlled axis cnc_distance

The formats of each data are same as "Function used for reading individually". Refer to each function for details.

The data concerning the axis is read by specified with axis. Each data is stored in oaxis structure in ODBDY2.

All axes can be read at a time by specifying ALL_AXES for "axis". In that case, various data concerning the axis is stored in each array of faxis inside of ODBDY2.

The decimal point position of the various data concerning the axis can be acquired in the cnc_getfigure function.

MTConnect Fanuc Adapter

Universal Fanuc Driver

Fanuc Focas Library CD


#include "fwlib32.h" or "fwlib64.h"

FWLIBAPI short WINAPI cnc_rddynamic2( unsigned short FlibHndl, short axis, short length, ODBDY2 *rddynamic );


FlibHndl   [ in ]

Specify the library handle. See "Library handle" for details.

axis   [ in ]

Specify axis number to read.

ALL_AXES : ALL_AXES : for all axes(ALL_AXES : -1)
1,..,m : for each axis(m : number of controlled axis)

length   [ in ]

Specify the length of the data block(size of ODBDY2 structure)


for each axis for all axes

n = Maximum controlled axes (The data for current controlled axes are valid.)

rddynamic   [ out ]

Pointer to the ODBDY2 structure including various data. The ODBDY2 structure is as follows.

typedef struct odbdy2 {
    short  dummy ;     /* not used                */
    short  axis ;      /* axis number             */
    long   alarm ;     /* alarm status            */
    long   prgnum ;    /* current program number  */
    long   prgmnum ;   /* main program number     */
    long   seqnum ;    /* current sequence number */
    long   actf ;      /* actual feedrate         */
    long   acts ;      /* actual spindle speed    */
    union {
        struct {
            long  absolute[MAX_AXIS] ; /* absolute */
            long  machine[MAX_AXIS] ;  /* machine  */
            long  relative[MAX_AXIS] ; /* relative */
            long  distance[MAX_AXIS] ; /* distance to go */
        } faxis ; /* In case of all axes */
        struct {
            long  absolute ; /* absolute */
            long  machine ;  /* machine  */
            long  relative ; /* relative */
            long  distance ; /* distance to go */
        } oaxis ; /* In case of 1 axis */
    } pos ;
} ODBDY2 ;            /* MAX_AXIS is the maximum controlled axes. */
    Not used
    Axis number
    The read axis number is returned.
    Alarm status
    The meaning of each bit is as follows.

    • Series 15i
    • #00:Background P/S
      #01:Foreground P/S
      #02:Overheat alarm
      #03:Sub-CPU error
      #04:Syncronized error
      #05:Parameter switch on
      #06:Overtravel,Ext. data
      #07:PMC error
      #08:External alarm message
      #09:(Not used)
      #10:Serious P/S
      #11:(Not used)
      #12:Servo alarm
      #13:I/O error
      #14:Power off parameter set
      #15:(Not used)
      #16:(Not used)
      #17:(Not used)
      #18:(Not used)
      #19:Macro alarm
      #20:System alarm
      #21,..,#31:(Not used)

    • Series 16i/18i/21i, 0i-A/B/C, Power Mate i (Ethernet Only)
    • #00:P/S alarm 100
      #01:P/S alarm 000
      #02:P/S alarm 101
      #03:P/S alarm except above
      #04:Overtravel alarm
      #05:Overheat alarm
      #06:Servo alarm
      #07:System alarm
      #08:APC alarm
      #09:Spindle alarm
      #10:P/S alarm 5000, Punch press alarm
      #11:Laser alarm
      #12:(Not used)
      #13:Rigid tap alarm
      #14:(Not used)
      #15:External alarm message
      #16,..,#31:(Not used)

    • Series 30i, 0i-D/F, PMi-A
    • #00 : Parameter switch on (SW)
      #01 : Power off parameter set (PW)
      #02 : I/O error (IO)
      #03 : Foreground P/S (PS)
      #04 : Overtravel,External data (OT)
      #05 : Overheat alarm (OH)
      #06 : Servo alarm (SV)
      #07 : Data I/O error (SR)
      #08 : Macro alarm (MC)
      #09 : Spindle alarm (SP)
      #10 : Other alarm (DS)
      #11 : Alarm concerning Malfunction prevent functions (IE)
      #12 : Background P/S (BG)
      #13 : Syncronized error (SN)
      #14 : (reserved)
      #15 : External alarm message (EX)
      #16 : (reserved)
      #17 : (reserved)
      #18 : (reserved)
      #19 : PMC error (PC)
      #20 to 31 : (Not used)
    Program number under execution
    (It is the selected program number while automatic operation stopping)
    Main program number
    Current sequence number
    Actual feed rate of the controlled axes
    Actual spindle speed data (It is invalid in Power Mate i-H)
    Absolute position of the controlled axes
    Machine position of the controlled axes
    Relative position of the controlled axes
    Amount of distance to go of the controlled axes


EW_OK is returned on successful completion, otherwise any value except EW_OK is returned.

The major error codes are as follows.

Return code Meaning/Error handling
data block length error
Size of ODBDY structure(length) is illegal.
data attribute error
The specification of axis number (axis) is improper.

As for the other return codes or the details, see "Return status of Data window function"

CNC option

For HSSB connection,

    The extended driver/library function is necessary.

For Ethernet connection,

    The Ethernet function and the extended driver/library function are necessary.

    However, in case of Series 16i/18i/21i-B, 0i-B/C/D/F, Series 30i and PMi-A, the required CNC option is as follows.

    When Embedded Ethernet is used,

      above two optional functions are not required.

    When Ethernet board is used,

      only Ethernet function is required.

CNC parameter

This function is related to the following CNC parameter.
See the manual of CNC parameter for details.

  • Series 15i
    • 2202#2,#3,#4,#5,#6,#7 (influenced by setting)

    CNC mode

    This function can be used in any CNC mode.

    Available CNC

    0i-A 0i-B/C(Note) 0i-D 0i-F 15 15i 16 18 21 16i-A 18i-A 21i-A 16i-B 18i-B 21i-B 30i-A 30i-B
    M (Machining)X E O O X O X X X E E E E E E O O
    T (Turning) X E O O X - X X X E E E E E E O O
    LC (Loader) - - - - - - X X X X X X X X X - -

    P (Punch press)O O E E - O
    L (Laser) - - E - - O
    W (Wire) - - X X O O

    Power Mate i-DE
    Power Mate i-HE
    Power Motion i-AO

    "O" : Both Ethernet and HSSB
    "E" : Ethernet
    "H" : HSSB
    "X" : Cannot be used
    "-" : None

    Note) 0i-C does not support the HSSB function.

    See Also

    cnc_rddynamic   cnc_alarm2   cnc_rdprgnum   cnc_rdseqnum   cnc_actf   cnc_acts   cnc_absolute   cnc_machine   cnc_relative   cnc_distance  

    Example(C Language)

    The following program reads the dynamic data of all axes (number of axes = MAX_AXIS) and displays them on the screen.
    #include "fwlib32.h"
    void example( void )
        ODBDY2 buf ;
        unsigned int idx ;
        cnc_rddynamic2( h, -1, sizeof(buf), &buf ) ;
        printf( "Current program = %d   Main program = %d\n",
                        buf.prgnum, buf.prgmnum ) ;
        printf( "Sequence number = %ld\n", buf.seqnum ) ;
        printf( "actf = %ld   acts = %ld\n", buf.actf, buf.acts ) ;
        printf( "Alarm status = %ld\n", buf.alarm ) ;
        printf( "AXIS Absolute  Relative  Machine   Distance\n" ) ;
        printf( "----+---------+---------+---------+--------\n" ) ;
        for ( idx = 0 ; idx < MAX_AXIS ; idx++ )
            printf( "  %u  %8ld  %8ld  %8ld  %8ld\n", idx,
                buf.pos.faxis.distance[idx] ) ;


    The following program reads the dynamic data of all axes (number of axes = MAX_AXIS) and displays them on the screen.
    class example
        public void sample()
            Focas1.ODBDY2_1 buf = new Focas1.ODBDY2_1();
            uint idx;
            Focas1.cnc_rddynamic2(h, -1, (short)Marshal.SizeOf(buf), buf);
            Console.WriteLine("Current program = {0}   Main program = {1}",
                            buf.prgnum, buf.prgmnum);
            Console.WriteLine("Sequence number = {0}", buf.seqnum);
            Console.WriteLine("actf = {0}   acts = {1}", buf.actf, buf.acts);
            Console.WriteLine("Alarm status = {0}", buf.alarm);
            Console.WriteLine("AXIS Absolute  Relative  Machine   Distance");
            for (idx = 0; idx < Focas1.MAX_AXIS; idx++)
                Console.WriteLine("  {0}  {1,8}  {2,8}  {3,8}  {4,8}", idx,

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    Modified: 2023-12-05