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Clears the operation history data and the alarm history data. At Series 30i 0i-D/F and PMi-A, the external operator's message history data are also cleared.

  • Series 15/15i

  • both the operation history and the alarm history are cleared once.

  • Series 16/18/21, 16i/18i/21i, 0i-A/B/C, Power Mate i

  • It is possible to select the clearing of the operation history or the alarm history by setting "slct"

  • Series 30i, 0i-D/F, PMi-A
  • The history data cleared by setting "slct" can be selected.
    The 3 kinds data, that is, the operation history, the alarm history, and the external operator message history can be cleared.

    Please use cnc_clearomhis function instead of this for other series.

MTConnect Fanuc Adapter

Universal Fanuc Driver

Fanuc Focas Library CD


#include "fwlib32.h" or "fwlib64.h"

FWLIBAPI short WINAPI cnc_clearophis(unsigned short FlibHndl, short slct);


FlibHndl   [ in ]

Specify the library handle. See "Library handle" for details.

slct   [ in ]

Specify the kind of the cleared history data.

  • Series 16/18/21, 16i/18i/21i, 0i-A/B/C, Power Mate i
  • 0:the opeation history data
    1:the alarm history data
  • Series 30i, 0i-D/F, PMi-A
  • The cleared history data is different according to setting parameter SAH (No.11354#2) and the SOH (No.11354#3).
    Refer to the following table.
    In case of 0i-D/F, the history data in the path specified by the cnc_setpath is cleared.

    O : cleared. - : not cleared.
    SAHSOHslctoperation historyalarm historymessage history

The cleared history data is different according to setting parameter SAH (No.11354#2) and the SOH (No.11354#3).
Refer to the following table.

O : cleared. - : not cleared.

SAHSOHslctoperation historyalarm historymessage history


EW_OK is returned on successful completion, otherwise any value except EW_OK is returned.

The major error codes are as follows.

Return code Meaning/Error handling
Data attribute error
The specification of "kind of the cleared history data" (slct) is wrong.
CNC parameter error
CNC parameter should be as follows.
0015#4=1 (Series 15/15i)
3112#5=0 (Series 16/18/21, 16i/18i/21i, 0i-A/B/C, Power Mate i)
3195#7=1 (Series 30i, 0i-D/F, PMi-A)
3110#4=1, 3112#5=1 (Series 16i/18i-W)
No option
The extended driver/library function is necessary.

As for the other return codes or the details, see "Return status of Data window function"

CNC option

For HSSB connection,

    The extended driver/library function is necessary.

For Ethernet connection,

    The Ethernet function and the extended driver/library function are necessary.

    However, in case of Series 16i/18i/21i-B, 0i-B/C/D/F, Series 30i and PMi-A, the required CNC option is as follows.

    When Embedded Ethernet is used,

    above two optional functions are not required.

    When Ethernet board is used,

    only Ethernet function is required.

CNC parameter

This function is related to the following CNC parameter.
See the manual of CNC parameter for details.

  • Series 15/15i
    0015#4=1(must be set)
  • Series 16/18/21, 16i/18i/21i, 0i-A/B/C, Power Mate i
    3112#5=0(must be set)
  • Series 30i, 0i-D/F, PMi-A
    3195#7=1(must be set)
    11354#2,3 (influenced by setting)
  • Series 16i/18i-W
    3110#4=1(must be set)
    3112#5=1(must be set)

CNC mode

This function can be used in any CNC mode.

Available CNC

0i-A 0i-B/C(Note) 0i-D 0i-F 15 15i 16 18 21 16i-A 18i-A 21i-A 16i-B 18i-B 21i-B 30i-A 30i-B
M (Machining)H O O O O O H H H O O O O O O O O
T (Turning) H O O O H - H H H O O O O O O O O
LC (Loader) - - - - - - X X X X X X X X X - -

P (Punch press)O O O O - O
L (Laser) - - O - - O
W (Wire) - - O O O O

Power Mate i-DO
Power Mate i-HO
Power Motion i-AO

"O" : Both Ethernet and HSSB
"E" : Ethernet
"H" : HSSB
"X" : Cannot be used
"-" : None

Note) 0i-C does not support the HSSB function.

See Also

cnc_stopophis   cnc_startophis   cnc_rdophisno   cnc_rdophistry   cnc_rdophistry2   cnc_rdophistry4   cnc_rdalmhisno   cnc_rdalmhistry   cnc_rdalmhistry2   cnc_rdalmhistry3   cnc_rdalmhistry5  

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Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_clearomhis

Clears the external operator's message history data. The specification for Series 30i, 0i-D/F and... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_clearomhis

Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdalmhisno

Reads the number of alarm history data. It is necessary to stop sampling the alarm history data by using... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdalmhisno

Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdalmhistry

Reads the alarm history data. The unit of one alarm history data is called a record.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdalmhistry

Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdalmhistry2

Reads the alarm history data. Please use this function instead of cnc_rdalmhistry for Series 15i.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdalmhistry2

Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdalmhistry3

Reads the alarm history data. The unit of one alarm history data is called a record.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdalmhistry3

Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdalmhistry4

Reads the alarm history data. Please use this function instead of... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdalmhistry4

Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdalmhistry5

Reads the alarm history data. Please use this function instead of... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdalmhistry5

Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdhissgnl

Reads the target signal for the operation history. Please use... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdhissgnl

Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdhissgnl2

Reads the target signal for the operation history. Please use this function instead of... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdhissgnl2

Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdhissgnl3

Reads the target signal for the operation history. Please use this function instead of... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdhissgnl3

Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdomhisinfo

Reads the maximum number, current number and maximum string length of external operator's message history data.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdomhisinfo

Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdomhisno

Reads the number of the external operator's message history data. It is necessary to execute Stop... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdomhisno

Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdomhistry

Reads the external operator's message history data. Because the external operator's message history data is recorded... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdomhistry

Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdomhistry2

Reads the external operator's message history data. Please use this function for Series 30i, 0i-D/F and PMi-A.... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdomhistry2

Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdophisno

Reads the number of operation history data. It is necessary to stop sampling the operation history data by using... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdophisno

Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdophistry

Reads the operation history data. Please use... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdophistry

Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdophistry2

Reads the operation history data. Please use this function instead of... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdophistry2

Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdophistry3

Reads the operation history data. Please use this function instead of... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdophistry3

Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdophistry4

Reads the operation history data. Please use this function instead of... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_rdophistry4

Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_startomhis

Restarts logging the external operator's message history data. The specification for Series 30i,... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_startomhis

Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_startophis

Restarts sampling the operation history data and the alarm history data of CNC. In Series 30i, 0i-D/F... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_startophis

Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_stopomhis

Stops logging the external operator's message history data. The specification for Series 30i,... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_stopomhis

Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_stopophis

Stops sampling the operation history data and the alarm history data of CNC. In Series 30i/31i/32i, 0i-D/F and PMi-A, the... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_stopophis

Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_wrhissgnl

Writes the target signal for the operation history. Please use... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_wrhissgnl

Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_wrhissgnl2

Writes the target signal for the operation history. Please use this function instead of... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_wrhissgnl2

Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_wrhissgnl3

Writes the target signal for the operation history. Please use this function instead of... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_wrhissgnl3

Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_wrkeyhistry

The specified key code is recorded in the operation history in CNC. Even... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | History | cnc_wrkeyhistry

Fanuc Focas Library | History | flist_History

CNC: Function related to history data... [read more]
Fanuc Focas Library | History | flist_History
Modified: 2023-12-05