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Registers the Tool management data which is specified by the start data number and the number of the data to the Tool management data table.

Registration by this function is done sequentially one by one. Once the error occurs, succeeding registration is aborted.

Note) This function is only for "Fast Ethernet board" and "Embedded Ethernet". So, this function is not supported at "Ethernet board".

MTConnect Fanuc Adapter

Universal Fanuc Driver

Fanuc Focas Library CD


#include "fwlib32.h" or "fwlib64.h"

FWLIBAPI short WINAPI cnc_regtool(unsigned short FlibHndl,short s_number, short *data_num,IODBTLMNG *tool);


FlibHndl   [ in ]

Specify the library handle. See "Library handle" for details.

s_number   [ in ]

Specify the start data number for the registration to the Tool management data table.

data_num   [ in/out ]

Specify the pointer to the number of the registration data for the registration to the Tool management data table. Set the number of the registration data(1...) to the pointed data before calling this function.

This function registers the number of Tool management data specified by "*data_num", from the index specified by "s_number". After the execution of this function, *data_num holds the real registered number of data.

tool   [ in ]

Specify the pointer to IODBTLMNG structure including the Tool management data to be registered. The IODBTLMNG structure is as follows.

typedef struct  iodbtlmng {
    long T_code;                /* tool number(T) */
    long life_count;            /* tool life counter */
    long max_life;              /* maximum of tool life */
    long rest_life;             /* rest of tool life */
    unsigned char  life_stat;   /* state of tool life */
    unsigned char  cust_bits;   /* customizing bit */
    unsigned short tool_info;   /* tool info. */
    short H_code;               /* tool length compensation number (H) */
    short D_code;               /* cutter compensation number (D) */
    long spindle_speed;         /* spindle speed(S) */
    long feedrate;              /* feed rate(F) */
    short magazine;             /* magazine number(read only) */
    short pot;                  /* pot number(read only) */
    short G_code;               /* tool geometric compensation number(G) */
    short W_code;               /* tool wear compensation number(W) */
    short gno;                  /* tool geometric number */
    short grp;                  /* edge group number(only 0i-F, 30i/31i/32i) */
    short edge;                 /* edge number(only 0i-F, 30i/31i/32i) */
    short org_magazine;         /* origin magazine number(only 0i-F, 30i/31i/32i) */
    short org_pot;              /* origin pot number(only 0i-F, 30i/31i/32i) */
    short reserve_s;            /* reserved */
    long reserved[2];           /* reserved */
    long custom1;               /* customizing data 1 */
    long custom2;               /* customizing data 2 */
    long custom3;               /* customizing data 3 */
    long custom4;               /* customizing data 4 */
    long custom5;               /* customizing data 5 */
    long custom6;               /* customizing data 6 */
    long custom7;               /* customizing data 7 */
    long custom8;               /* customizing data 8 */
    long custom9;               /* customizing data 9 */
    long custom10;              /* customizing data 10 */
    long custom11;              /* customizing data 11 */
    long custom12;              /* customizing data 12 */
    long custom13;              /* customizing data 13 */
    long custom14;              /* customizing data 14 */
    long custom15;              /* customizing data 15 */
    long custom16;              /* customizing data 16 */
    long custom17;              /* customizing data 17 */
    long custom18;              /* customizing data 18 */
    long custom19;              /* customizing data 19 */
    long custom20;              /* customizing data 20 */
Specify tool number(T).
(Setting range: 0,..,99999999)
Specify tool life counter.
(Setting range: 0,..,99999999, Unit: count)
(Setting range: 0,..,3599999, Unit: sec)
Specify maximum of tool life.
(Setting range: 0,..,99999999, Unit: count)
(Setting range: 0,..,3599999, Unit: sec)
Specify predictive tool life.
(Setting range: 0,..,99999999, Unit: count)
(Setting range: 0,..,3599999, Unit: sec)
Specify state of tool life.
0:Tool is not managed
1:Unused tool
2:Enable to use
3:Life is over
4:Tool is broken
Specify customizing data(bit).
Specify tool info.
bit 0:RGS
0:Tool management data is void
1:Tool management data is valid
bit 1:TIM
0:Tool life is specified by count
1:Tool life is specified by time
bit 2:BDT
0:Normal tool
1:Big tool
bit 3:LOC
0:Data accessable
1:Data locked
bit 4,..,15:Reserved
Specify Tool length compensation number (H).
(Setting range: 0,..,999)
Specify cutter compensation number (D).
(Setting range: 0,..,999)
Specify spindle speed(S).
(Setting range: 0,..,99999, Unit: /min)
Specify feed rate(F).
(Setting range: 0,..,99999999, Unit: mm/min, inch/min, deg/min, mm/rev, inch/rev)
magazine number.
(This data is READ ONLY. So it cannot be used for writing data.)
pot number.
(This data is READ ONLY. So it cannot be used for writing data.)
Specify tool geometric compensation number(G)
(This data is Turning system only.)
Specify tool wear compensation number(W).
(This data is Turning system only.)
Specify tool geometric number.
edge group number.(only 0i-F, 30i/31i/32i)
edge number.(only 0i-F, 30i/31i/32i)
origin magazine number.(only 0i-F, 30i/31i/32i)
origin pot number.(only 0i-F, 30i/31i/32i)
Specify customizing data 1,..,4.
(Setting range: -99999999,..,99999999)
Specify customizing data 5,..,20.
(Setting range: -99999999,..,99999999)
(These items are available at only the additional customized data on tool management data option.)
(Note) Magazine number and pot number are read only data, so it is impossible to write data in these.
(Note) Above customizing data 5 .. customizing data 20 are available at only "extended customization data".
(Note) "Tool geometric compensation number G" and "tool wear compensation number W" are available only for the Lathe system.


EW_OK is returned on successful completion, otherwise any value except EW_OK is returned.

The major error codes are as follows.

Return code Meaning/Error handling
Other users(such as PMC) have accessed the same data window. Try this function again.
The start data number for the Tool management data table(s_number) is invalid. Or, valid number of the data on the Tool management data table exceeds.
The member in the IODBTLMNG structure is invalid.
In order to get more information for this err_no return value, execute cnc_getdtailerr function. The following detail status will be set onto the member, err_no of OBDERR structure.
0:error except EW_DATA
1:error of tool number
2:error of tool life counter
3:error of maximum of tool life
4:error of rest of tool life
5:error of state of tool life
7:error of tool information
8:error of tool length compensation number
9:error of cutter compensation number
10:error of spindle speed
11:error of feed rate
12:error of tool geometric compensation number
13:error of tool wear compensation number
14:error of tool geometric number
15:error of edge group number(only 0i-F, 30i/31i/32i)
16:error of edge number(only 0i-F, 30i/31i/32i)
17:error of origin magazine number(only 0i-F, 30i/31i/32i)
18:error of origin pot number(only 0i-F, 30i/31i/32i)
27:Registered magazine and pot number were specified.(only 0i-F, 30i/31i/32i)
29:Multi edge data is illegal.(Data of multi edge tool has a part of inconsistency on tool management funcion.)(only 0i-F, 30i/31i/32i)
31,..,50:error of customizing data
No option
The Tool management function 64 pairs, or the Tool management function 240 pairs, or the Tool management function 1000 pairs.
Write protection
The Tool management data table is write protected.
CNC execution rejected
This function tries to register the data against the Tool management data table entry which has already existed or interfere with other tool.

As for the other return codes or the details, see "Return status of Data window function"

CNC option

This function need the following CNC option.

    The Tool management function 64 pairs, or the Tool management function 240 pairs, or the Tool management function 1000 pairs.

And this function is related to the following CNC option.

    This function is influenced by the additional customized data on tool management function option(5-20).

For HSSB connection,

    The extended driver/library function are necessary.

For Ethernet connection,

    The Ethernet function and the extended driver/library function are necessary.

    However, in case of Series 16i/18i/21i-B, 0i-F and 30i, the required CNC option is as follows.

    When Embedded Ethernet is used,

      above two optional functions are not required.

    When Ethernet board is used,

      only Ethernet function is required.

CNC parameter

This function is related to the following CNC parameter.
See the manual of CNC parameter for details.

  • Series 16i/18i/21i
    13220 (valid number of Tool management data)
  • Series 0i-F, 30i/31i/32i
    13220 (valid number of Tool management data)
    13201#3 (It is necessary to use multi edge tool on tool management function.)

CNC mode

This function can be used in any CNC mode.

Available CNC

0i-A 0i-B/C(Note) 0i-D 0i-F 15 15i 16 18 21 16i-A 18i-A 21i-A 16i-B 18i-B 21i-B 30i-A 30i-B
M (Machining)X X X O X X X X X O O O O O O O O
T (Turning) X X X O X - X X X X X X O O O O O
LC (Loader) - - - - - - X X X X X X X X X - -

P (Punch press)X X X X - X
L (Laser) - - X - - X
W (Wire) - - X X X X

Power Mate i-DX
Power Mate i-HX
Power Motion i-AX

"O" : Both Ethernet and HSSB
"E" : Ethernet
"H" : HSSB
"X" : Cannot be used
"-" : None

Note) 0i-C does not support the HSSB function.

See Also

cnc_regtool_f2   cnc_deltool   cnc_rdtool   cnc_rdtool_f2   cnc_wrtool   cnc_wrtool_f2   cnc_wrtool2  

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Modified: 2023-12-05