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We released an updated version of our CNCnetPDM IIoT Adapter for Citizen machines with Mitsubishi controls that adds new features and enhances compatibility with MS Windows 11 and Server 2022 Operating Systems (up to version 23H2).

CITIZEN.DLL (11/19/2023)

Upgrade instructions


We released an updated version of our CNCnetPDM device driver for Citizen & Mazak machines with Mitsubishi controllers.

CITIZEN.DLL (9/28/2020)

Device driver for machines from Citizen or Mazak with Mitsubishi controllers. The driver now supports changing and creating of items by writing data to the controller via all writable commands. It also outputs up to 10 current alarms sorted by priority. Error output was enhanced.


We released an updated version of our diagnostic program to read machine data and a new tool for Citizen & Mazak machines equipped with Mitsubishi controllers.


Diagnosis tool to read machine- and process-data from machines with Mitsubishi controllers from Citizen or Mazak. The program now outputs up to 10 active alarms sorted by priority, the active block number and it's content (up to 10 lines). Error output was highly enhanced. Download

CITIZENCommands.exe (9/21/2020)

Utility program that enables reading and writing of data from/to Citizen & Mazak machines equipped with Mitsubishi controllers by using all available commands for these devices. Description & Download


We released updated versions of the diagnostic tool and CNCnetPDM device driver for Citizen machines with Mitsubishi controllers.

CITIZEN.DLL (2/10/2019)

Device driver for machines from Citizen or Mazak with Mitsubishi controllers. We fixed a problem that led to incorrect output of OEE machine states (started, manual, error...). The previous driver always reported 4 (interrupted) although the machine was producing.


Diagnosis tool to read machine- and process-data from machines with Mitsubishi controllers from Citizen or Mazak. The GUI was completely redesigned for enhanced performance and user experience.


Updated versions of the data-acquisition tools and CNCnetPDM device drivers for machines with Mitsubishi controllers from Citizen are available. All programs and device drivers now support the ‘free license’ model beginning with CNCnetPDM with no limitations on time and number of connected devices.

CITIZEN.DLL (3/20/2018)

CNCnetPDM device driver for machines with Mitsubishi controllers from Citizen or Mazak. Supports monitoring of up to 30 configurable items on a per machine basis. Requires the most recent version of CNCnetPDM. Works without limitations on runtime or number of devices with a ‘free’ CNCnetPDM license.


Diagnosis tool to read machine- and process-data from machines with Mitsubishi controllers from Citizen or Mazak. It now supports the new licensing model of CNCnetPDM. Items are output depending on the CNCnetPDM license installed a PC to enable setup of production solutions with a ‘free license’.


We released an improved version of the device driver for Citizen machines with Mitsubishi controllers. The driver now supports correct detection and output of OEE machine states and part counter values. Cumulative counting of output with taking into account resets of part counters by machine operators is now also supported. The driver now supports sampling rates down to 1 second.

CITIZEN.DLL (1/15/2018)

Device driver for machines with Mitsubishi controllers from Citizen or Mazak.


We released a device driver for machines from Citizen or Mazak with Mitsubishi CNC controllers. It enables to build customized sets from all items (> 3000!) available on these devices, acquire and output them to text files or databases via CNCnetPDM.

CITIZEN.DLL (9/2/2017)

Device driver that allows to dynamically build sets of items (up to 30) that can be defined, enabled or disabled on a per machine basis by an INI file that is automatically created for every configured machine.


Additional items added to program MitsubishiGui.exe (for Citizen and Mazak machines):

  • Running Status
  • Running Mode
  • Parts required
  • Parts machined
  • Parts (total)
  • Current Program
  • Comm Feed Rate
  • Actual Feed Rate
  • Running Program
  • Spindle Number
  • Spindle Speed(1)
  • Syncronize Speed
  • Actual Block
  • Power on time
  • Automatic OP time
  • Aut. Start time
  • NC Date (local)
  • NC Time (local)


Program with graphical user interface added to utility Mitsubishi (for Citizen and Mazak machines):

MitsubishiGui.exe (3/2/2017)

Utility program (GUI) to read machine state and various information from Mitsubishi controllers on Citizen and Mazak machines via Ethernet.

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Support | Citizen | Overview

For Citizen machines with Mitsubishi controllers CNCnetPDM allows you to acquire machine-, process and quality-data in near real time and use it for your business information... [read more]
Support | Citizen | Overview

Support | Citizen | Read & Write Data

For manufacturing machines from Citizen or Mazak equipped with Mitsubishi controllers this diagnostic tool enables you to test reading and writing operations by using all... [read more]
Support | Citizen | Read & Write Data

Support | Citizen | Machine Data

To report machine data to your applications you have to be able to acquire it from your devices. For Citizen machines equipped with Mitsubishi controls you can use the graphical... [read more]
Support | Citizen | Machine Data

Support | Citizen | Device Driver

This highly configurable device driver for CNCnetPDM enables you to acquire and output all items that can be read from Mitsubishi CNC controllers on CITIZEN and MAZAK machines.... [read more]
Support | Citizen | Device Driver

Support | Citizen | Mitsubishi Network Setup

This How-To article shows how to connect Citizen Cincom machines with Mitsubishi controls to your company network. CABLE CONNECTION |... [read more]
Support | Citizen | Mitsubishi Network Setup
Modified: 2024-08-08